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just venting...


Still here...
Flashbacks suck. Just gotta say that. It wasn't even that bad of one...just can't seem to shake the feelings and an image. Got nowhere else to turn with this stuff, so...just needed to talk about it. Sorry.

It's one of those days I feel the isolation of AS so much more, because even if I had someone here I could talk with about it, someone strong enough to handle it, it wouldn't help. It never does.
Flashback can be a pain,
the worst part is that its something that we have no control over but it feels like they have control over us.
it may not help persay but i have delt with PTSD, i still suffer from it to this day. and while i understand that things may feel hopeless, we have to find strength in that its over now, its something we have survived and pushed passed.

a message i keep close to me that i learned from group therapy while in a hospital is
"Dont be a victim in your mind, because all it does is take power away from you. Instead be a survivor, it doesnt mean we have to forgive, forget or even say it wasnt that bad, it just means we will not let it have power over us anymore"

and while everything in life is easier said than done, i feel it is still a message we can find strength in :)
I am a survivor of sexual abuse by "father" and suffered constant flashbacks and my husband turning into father and don't go there, with nightmares - UNTIL I stopped blaming myself and put the blame, where it belongs, at his feet, but not literally. I reasoned, how the heck could a 7 year old, be to blame? Completely unreasonable and from that point, I started to became a real survivor ie no flashbacks, hardly dream these days and hubs stays as hubs.

I am not emotionally strong, but am a good listener and so, if you want to chat, I am here for you
I have PTSD too, not sure what I can say, except that I know what it's like, and I'm also here if you ever want to talk. Flashbacks often totally stop me dead in my tracks from whatever I am doing at the moment, when I'm going through a bad patch. I guess just remember that you're you now, and even though it feels like it at times, you're not still going through that stuff. Just know you're moving forward, albeit slowly, and that's better than being trapped.
Aye, don't they suck? On my good days I kind of treat them the same as I do when I walk into a bad smell. Just walk a lot faster away from it and ponder where the heck it came from. If I'm very lucky, I can make jokes about it and keep myself in a good mood. And on my bad days I'm shot for a few hours.

You're always welcome to vent to me. I don't know how helpful I'd be, but I'd try my best. :)
Thanks, y'all. Been a tough day...I'm worn out emotionally. I think this stuff surfaced so badly because I have to spend the weekend around a lot of extended family...it's our huge, family get-together, starting with my grandmother all the way down to almost 20 great-grandkids. That means lots of people, lots of activity and noise, lots of social demands, lots of memories. I really don't want to go, but kinda have to. Some days I just wish I could crawl into a hole and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.

Thanks for all the kind words.
whenever i see or hear anything that triggers me (reminds me of a tragic break up),i would use martial arts or video games to vent all of the frustration on to anything lovey-dovey :(:mad::angry::imp::rage:

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