So, my laptop screen is very orderly and I get VERY angry and frustrated when things are out of sequence and this also goes for my phone and tablet. Wow I get red hot with annoyance when notifications appear and have to get rid of them straight away, in order to be "clean" again.
The trouble is, that this does not just stay with me; when I see others tablets and phones and my husband's computer and how messy it all is, I have to walk away, because I am itching to tidy things up lol
I am also fastidious with keeping my tablet clean and am always dusting it.
The trouble is, that this does not just stay with me; when I see others tablets and phones and my husband's computer and how messy it all is, I have to walk away, because I am itching to tidy things up lol
I am also fastidious with keeping my tablet clean and am always dusting it.