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Knock your lights out!


'Bout Ye?
Anyone hate having lights on in the house? When I was younger I used to always switch them off - I suppose it was a sensory issue or something. Now though, I generally leave them on except if watching a movie.

I've realised that having the lights off all of the time, especially if using the computer all day, can be a bad thing. You're supposed to always be in a well light environment if using the computer or playing on the games console.
I usually have them turned off(as everyone who watches my YT videos knows and complains about >_> roflmao).
Esp. in summer. It depresses me when there's light coming in on the laptop and it's like screaming, 'YOU HAVE NOOO LIFE IT'S SO SUNNY AND YOU'RE ON YOUR COMPUTER MWHAHA I HATE YOU!' D;!!!
I leave the computer on all day.
Even when I'm going on holiday and can't take my computer I still leave it on.
I misread this site and thought a lack of CO2 was causing global warming so I justified using loads of energy and stuff and now I just cba turning off stuff.
Actually, I have found that leaving one's computer one 24/7 does not make for a higher electric bill. In fact, I have seen the opposite. I can only assume you are saving power by not causing the power fluctuation that occurs whenever you switch it on and off... I guess compared to other stuff in your house, the computer is kind of irrelevant as far as the power it uses continuously...

Calvert: I have always been sensitive to light. I have what I call "good light" days and "bad light" days, cause some days are worse than others as far as my sensitivity goes. Oddly, I do seem to be getting more photophobic the older I get... I am usually okay with house lights as long as I don't look at them directly and am not exposed for long. The sun is what really gets me. I have a love/hate relationship with it: I like it warmth, but I hate its light. Its the reason I wear a hat whenever I go outside. I also like to use my computer in the dark... its so awesome with this light-up keyboard. :D
I used to, and actually still have, the same problem. I like to be in dark when I play video games or computer or when I watch movies. I have been trying to change this bad habit of mine tho. Not doing well I`m have to admit.

When I was younger I was very sensitive towards sunshine so I used sunglasses almost all the time. But I`m used to it now.
I love being in the dark myself too, I play games in the dark and I'm constantly on the computer in the dark, I guess no matter what, I'm practically always in the dark.

I'm guessing I must be some sort of vampire? :P
I love being in the dark myself too, I play games in the dark and I'm constantly on the computer in the dark, I guess no matter what, I'm practically always in the dark.

I'm guessing I must be some sort of vampire? :P

If you also like to drink blood then maybe.
I love being in the dark myself too, I play games in the dark and I'm constantly on the computer in the dark, I guess no matter what, I'm practically always in the dark.

thats really not good for your eyes, i was told by the optometrist when i was getting my glasses, and if you end up damaging your eyes, you are ****ed
thats really not good for your eyes, i was told by the optometrist when i was getting my glasses, and if you end up damaging your eyes, you are ****ed

I knew it! Mine told me that computers can't cause harm to your eyes. Surely if you play constantly in the dark for long periods of time, while sitting close to a brightly-lit screen and even playing while tired then it could.
It does get to my eyes after a while.. particularly if I am browsing bright websites(like this one, no offense ;p) or reading an Ebook. Yeah, Ebooks kill my eyes, I can't read those for very long...
@Quasar: I can't look at normal books for very long without seeing double or w.e. It might be to do with the fact I only really ever read from books at night. Magazines I'm fine with.
@Calvert: I recall watching a documentary and it said we forget to blink when staring at a computer screen for extended periods of time.
I knew it! Mine told me that computers can't cause harm to your eyes. Surely if you play constantly in the dark for long periods of time, while sitting close to a brightly-lit screen and even playing while tired then it could.

you also should be far enough away from the screen that you cant touch it with your arm fully extended(also you see it as better if its a big screen)
I sit close to my computer screen (not right up at it though) but when playing on my games console, I always sit as far away as possible. You're suppose to anyway because on an HDTV the human eye can only detect so much detail at a certain distance.
I prefer natural light. During the day I'll open up the curtains. For electrical bill purposes, I keep as few lights on as possible after sundown.

I sneak about and turn all the smaller lights on then turn the big ones off so people don't notice the difference so much :)

Also fairly lucky at work as they use a lot of natural light
Suppose, I wouldn't like it if someone turned me on and then left. Lol. Save electricity!
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