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Lake Superior June 2021


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member

I remember the first time I saw Lake Superior, during a move to Ontario from Alberta in 1999... With most lakes in Alberta you can see the other side, I knew of course that the other shoreline was very far away...
I find open bodies of water mesmerising and unnerving all at the same time.

The Oregon Coast is like that. Very beautiful and very frightening. I grew up going to the Southern California beaches. The water is warm, and there are barrier islands that keep the surf calm and pleasant to swim in. In Oregon, however, the surf just blows across the Pacific with nothing to stop it. The water is gray and cold and violent. There are logs in the water, and it's impossible to swim in. But the coastline is so pristine and forested.
I don't swim in open bodies of water anymore. I got stuck in quicksand as a child on the beach. Never ventured in the sea again after that.


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