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Law of 3 and Martial Arts


Aspergers - Scout
V.I.P Member

The 1) Society acknowledges me as Royal Guard, although they use other words. The society says that it (society) is guilty in having Defenestrated me. However Allah must acknowledge me as Royal Guard. The closest thing I have to Allah is my Sufi friend, and he is old man and married to a Christian wife, so he may ordain me into the occult. ... I have previously read Sufi students must feed dogs 20 years before achieving Mastery or a grade in Sufi Islam.

So if 2) Muslims are you and any Martial Artist. A Muslim is like a Martial Artist that yields to Buddha, except he yields to Allah. They use technique in oblivion. And like i agreed with @tree Dancing is not beneficial for Men defending. Technique is unlike Force. So 3) Bodybuilders may use Force, and Martial Artists and Muslims may use technique for better or for worse. We can agree Allah is Wise and Strong, like both a Bodybuilder and Muslim (edit) and He decides whom is good or whom is bad. Jinn say they don't know if Allah wants good or bad for those on earth, but my mom says Allah is good.

Conclusion: Society agree I'm Royal Guard through Defenestration, but black belt is only start of The Journey. (edit) black belt 🥋 in my dreams ^_^. I have a white belt.
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