This is a universal post for those who may share information for others who may be looking for 101 essential information on trying to understand a faith. This is for the world's established faiths. Shifting through these things can be difficult and you need to be careful when trusting information on Google.
I was thinking about this yesterday. I do have a faith and have had so pretty much all my life. I grew with parents' who had a faith and I went to a Catholic school to 19 years old. I was learning as I grew up. It is not that I know a lot at all, believe you me. However, it was for me useful to have that background. Some people today who are interested about any religion may not have that background and teaching at school and may struggle to know how to begin. My own journey chosen by myself started at 16 independent of anyone and I am an independent minded person.
Yesterday I was searching for a book I want to find that I read at 17 but it safe somewhere else, it has to be. Still not found it.
I did find though what looked like a treasure trove of information by someone else who started a website back in 2007 for Christianity. There was basic information which can be flicked through and consider themselves if they so choose. The person hasn't posted for sometime, but appear to be still going strong.
The section on stories I would say it is difficult to find again in this generation.
The Way website
Stories etc
Christian Testimonies - General index
General Information
The Messages section may be useful for some who want a general 101 information on things.
The new Way - Christian site - Teachings, Exhortations, Confutations, Questions and Answers, Testimonies, Messages for the sinners (Sermons), Christian hymns and Gospel songs
I simply must link this as well, a woman's story of healing from 1981 which is difficult to find again in this generation.
Miracle in the Mirror
Christian Testimonies - Miracle in the mirror
Also, Gulshan Esther's story The Torn Veil may be of some interest to some people.
I was thinking about this yesterday. I do have a faith and have had so pretty much all my life. I grew with parents' who had a faith and I went to a Catholic school to 19 years old. I was learning as I grew up. It is not that I know a lot at all, believe you me. However, it was for me useful to have that background. Some people today who are interested about any religion may not have that background and teaching at school and may struggle to know how to begin. My own journey chosen by myself started at 16 independent of anyone and I am an independent minded person.
Yesterday I was searching for a book I want to find that I read at 17 but it safe somewhere else, it has to be. Still not found it.
I did find though what looked like a treasure trove of information by someone else who started a website back in 2007 for Christianity. There was basic information which can be flicked through and consider themselves if they so choose. The person hasn't posted for sometime, but appear to be still going strong.
The section on stories I would say it is difficult to find again in this generation.
The Way website
Stories etc
Christian Testimonies - General index
General Information
The Messages section may be useful for some who want a general 101 information on things.
The new Way - Christian site - Teachings, Exhortations, Confutations, Questions and Answers, Testimonies, Messages for the sinners (Sermons), Christian hymns and Gospel songs
I simply must link this as well, a woman's story of healing from 1981 which is difficult to find again in this generation.
Miracle in the Mirror
Christian Testimonies - Miracle in the mirror
Also, Gulshan Esther's story The Torn Veil may be of some interest to some people.
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