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Life Changes


Well-Known Member
Well, I've made the move and I've been here for about a month now. I like the place and the people, and it's nice to have time and space to relax. My only "issue" now is that I have no idea what to do for work, though technically there's no urgency since I'm living at my parents' place.

Since high school I've wanted to work in a church, and I was on track to be ordained a priest, but a whole lot of life happened and now I'm living across the country and am inquiring into the Eastern Orthodox Church, meaning the 6 years I spent getting degrees for ordination in a Protestant church are not really going to help my getting a job I would want. I'm not putting priesthood off the table for later in life, but it isn't going to happen for the foreseeable future.

So now I have to figure out what plan B is when I've spent all this time working on plan A.

I'm trying to learn C# to see if I would like to do some kind of job programming, but its slow going and very discouraging. I almost always end up feeling depressed whenever I work on it because it just makes me feel useless. I have trouble retaining information, and each time I try to learn something it feels like I forget it all the next day. I know it isn't "true" but I feel incapable of doing anything, and don't know what I would want to do anyways. How do you choose a plan B for what you want to do with your life when plan A falls apart?
Well, I've made the move and I've been here for about a month now. I like the place and the people, and it's nice to have time and space to relax. My only "issue" now is that I have no idea what to do for work, though technically there's no urgency since I'm living at my parents' place.

Since high school I've wanted to work in a church, and I was on track to be ordained a priest, but a whole lot of life happened and now I'm living across the country and am inquiring into the Eastern Orthodox Church, meaning the 6 years I spent getting degrees for ordination in a Protestant church are not really going to help my getting a job I would want. I'm not putting priesthood off the table for later in life, but it isn't going to happen for the foreseeable future.

So now I have to figure out what plan B is when I've spent all this time working on plan A.

I'm trying to learn C# to see if I would like to do some kind of job programming, but its slow going and very discouraging. I almost always end up feeling depressed whenever I work on it because it just makes me feel useless. I have trouble retaining information, and each time I try to learn something it feels like I forget it all the next day. I know it isn't "true" but I feel incapable of doing anything, and don't know what I would want to do anyways. How do you choose a plan B for what you want to do with your life when plan A falls apart?
I am thinking there are many different Christian organizations that do quite a bit for a wide variety of people and causes. Just as an example, there are Christian organizations that organize medical mission trips, to Heal the Children, for example, that transport medically-complex children from 3rd world countries to specialists in the US and UK to receive life-saving procedures. There's a lot going on out there in this realm of helping people. You might be a good fit with your background.
How do you choose a plan B for what you want to do with your life when plan A falls apart?
I would say to start with a few deep breaths. Take some time to adjust and realize that Plan A isn't going forward, including processing any grief or disappointment that you are feeling.

Then, assess your new situation. Forming Plan B can be seen as a new opportunity. What are some goals and objectives that you now have? What sort of work would be a good fit for your social and sensory capacity? What new opportunities are there in the place you live now?
well, it's a start! i finished the first fully fledged iteration of my personal website. right now it's just got my art in it, but i wrote it all from scratch and i'm proud of how it turned out! :)

check it out here: aesthetiscape

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