Having been using Linux Mint 20.3 for a few months now, one thing that bothers me is to occasionally look into the log files to see various entries that produce comments assailing things like usb media, my DVD drive, and other comments. At times some of them seem like a waste of space, given that the system status always shows "no problems".
Some of the comments are a bit pedantic to say the least. Like telling me there's some kind of error involving Bluetooth. Where the system shows a waste of comments in the system being unable to connect to Bluetooth services. Duh! I don't use Bluetooth and don't have a USB dongle to even make it work.
And some of the other comments are so cryptic that user forums online like Mint and Ubuntu can't seem to agree what they really mean. With many simply lamenting, "Don't worry about it." Frustrating at times because it seems to turn much of any troubleshooting into nerdish debates or speculation rather than conditional explanations and solutions to OS concerns. One major downside to using an open-source operating system. Having to wade through a lot of crap just to get a viable answer of how to fix a problem.
I know my outdated bios doesn't like Linux period when it comes to booting up an Nvidia video card, even when I opt to use Linux's open-source driver rather than the proprietary drivers that make booting look kind of ugly. And just accessing anything having to do with Wine 7.0 produces a litany of comments in the log. Yet like everything else, it still runs just fine along with the few Windows programs I installed. And whew....Linux didn't seem to like my 3.5" internal card reader at all. I ended up removing it. It worked fine, but so many negative log entries created whether I activated it or not. Ugh!
It just seems that the log files are like cannon fodder as long as the system status reports nothing is really wrong. As far as my hardware peripherals go, they all seem to operate just fine, whether in Linux or Windows.
If the log generates relatively unimportant, non-critical comments, I can't say I appreciate this "chicken little" function in Linux Mint 20.3. Putting users on a wild goose chase over things that don't really seem to matter. "Much ado about nothing"? What say you? I'm, not looking for any specific solutions posting this, but just curious if any of you have run into similar concerns. Where your log files imply "Danger Will Robinson! Danger!" And yet your system status conditionally reports "no problems". WTH?
Or have any of you ever bothered to investigate the content of Mint's log files? I didn't until recently...oops.
Some of the comments are a bit pedantic to say the least. Like telling me there's some kind of error involving Bluetooth. Where the system shows a waste of comments in the system being unable to connect to Bluetooth services. Duh! I don't use Bluetooth and don't have a USB dongle to even make it work.
And some of the other comments are so cryptic that user forums online like Mint and Ubuntu can't seem to agree what they really mean. With many simply lamenting, "Don't worry about it." Frustrating at times because it seems to turn much of any troubleshooting into nerdish debates or speculation rather than conditional explanations and solutions to OS concerns. One major downside to using an open-source operating system. Having to wade through a lot of crap just to get a viable answer of how to fix a problem.
I know my outdated bios doesn't like Linux period when it comes to booting up an Nvidia video card, even when I opt to use Linux's open-source driver rather than the proprietary drivers that make booting look kind of ugly. And just accessing anything having to do with Wine 7.0 produces a litany of comments in the log. Yet like everything else, it still runs just fine along with the few Windows programs I installed. And whew....Linux didn't seem to like my 3.5" internal card reader at all. I ended up removing it. It worked fine, but so many negative log entries created whether I activated it or not. Ugh!
It just seems that the log files are like cannon fodder as long as the system status reports nothing is really wrong. As far as my hardware peripherals go, they all seem to operate just fine, whether in Linux or Windows.
If the log generates relatively unimportant, non-critical comments, I can't say I appreciate this "chicken little" function in Linux Mint 20.3. Putting users on a wild goose chase over things that don't really seem to matter. "Much ado about nothing"? What say you? I'm, not looking for any specific solutions posting this, but just curious if any of you have run into similar concerns. Where your log files imply "Danger Will Robinson! Danger!" And yet your system status conditionally reports "no problems". WTH?
Or have any of you ever bothered to investigate the content of Mint's log files? I didn't until recently...oops.
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