Thank you for responding.
What I am saying is that there are many books on aspergers and the the traits that AS individuals have. So I am able to understand the basic diagnosis and traits. Then I am able to see him as an individual and learn about him as I would anyone else.
Our problem lies in him understanding me. I cannot find any books to explain about NTs and their emotions and needs, etc.
For example we are in a long distance relationship and getting ready to meet.
Although I have talked to him for months and spoken to his mother etc. I can never be sure the person I am meeting is the one they "portrayed" themselves as on the computer.
Now he knows he is a nice normal guy and says what is the problem meeting me and staying in a hotel room? I am NT of course and I say I dont really know you. How do I know you are really trustworthy and a nice man and not out to harm me and that everything you have told me is true.
His response? Well it would be no different if we talking online or in person. Yes to him it is the same.
But I say you could be a serial killer for all I know.
He realizes things happen every day and admits he may be naive but he just doesnt get the fact that I am apprehensive
Second example is trying to explain to him what making love is versus having sex. So to an NT I would want our first time together to be intimate and loving.
He tells me we have talked about so many things in this area and would like to explore more.
Of course I was shocked and said this is our first time together. Lets just be loving and calm and not go off the rails here. I say well that probably isnt appropriate for a first meeting.
His response? Well why not? He feels like since we have discussed other things why cant we do it.
I say well this is the start of a hopefully long term life long relationship and it would be nice if we could share this as a nice romantic moment.
and so it goes back and forth. Back and Forth. He does not get it emotionally.
By this time I am drained.:banghead: I feel like a mother explaining to a kid. I am exasperated and frustrated and also disappointed honestly.
I have never felt so far apart right now from him. He doesnt have much experience in relationships. He thought that he would live his life as he does now and his partner would be there for him when he needed her. It never occurred to him that he would have to meet his partners needs. He is so used to being independent and not answering to anyone that he doesnt get that there are two people now and not just one. That chores have to be done and bills paid and all the other mundane things that are required to run a household. I have a home and property. He thought he could just continue to play games on the computer and not have a worry in the world. He cannot hold down a job after trying so many and now is awaiting his disability hearing. So basically he is a man of leisure and his roommate paid all the bills and got everything taken care of. I am also disabled but work and have many activities outside of the home. But unless I ask him to do something directly he doesnt do anything and he resents that he has to. He also thinks everything should work around him. I am just flabbergasted at how no one taught him about women and relationships. Keep in mind this man is in his 40's. So I need help. PLEASE