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Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Hi all,

Organisation can be tricky, and I like to visualise things - lists, tables, charts etc.

So I bought a nice quality, leather bound, grided line notebook. I'm using it as a sales log for my art and photography. I printed a page off with miniaturised versions of my drawings. The image quality is still wonderfully sharp. I've cut them out and stuck them onto a page. I then glued the next page to the previous, as I was wary the natural flex in a piece of paper was too much and could unstick the picture. So with 2 pages glued together it's a lot more sturdy.

It's kooky, but it's me - and it will help.



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Love it! :) I think the drawings on top of the pages look very cute. I would like to have something like this.

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