The abyss of my mind.
Anyone else jittering with anticipation over shadow of mordor releasing? For those that are not following, it is the next lord of the rings game, you get to play a man wearing one of the 9 rings of the wraiths, but you are not under Saurons control, nor are you explicitly a good guy. Epic sword play, dagger based assassination skills, a massively enchanted bow, and a ring that gives you the powers of a wraith *shivering with delight*. I very very rarely ever pre order or pay full price for games, but this one was a "shut up and take my money!" purchase.
I just had to vent a bit to let out the nerd rage over how long it is taking release day to come.
I just had to vent a bit to let out the nerd rage over how long it is taking release day to come.