Srsly... this is hard -_-
I do like Star wars a lot more on a personal level than LOTR (I am a bit of a SW geek actually), but if I'd go on about this comparison in general a lot of stuff pops into my mind.
- SW, while it might be derived of some literature and other movies, it's still "a story of it's own", with the intention to make a movie. Whereas LOTR actually is a book, that's been adapted to a movie.
- The design of SW in the original trilogy looks a bit more dated (how do people in space dress as seen in 1970's) whilst LOTR looks more timeless fantasy epic. I don't think swords vs. blasters is a matter of "timelessness".
- The story of LOTR is pretty much set and done. The ring is destroyed and with that the forces of morder. With SW, the empire is still around. The story revolves more about "a good person vs. a bad person". Therefore, the possibilities to expand on the universe are pretty extensive (and have been around for a long time through games, comics, cardgames and all kinds of media *cough* clone wars *cough*)
- Given that LOTR is "older" than SW, both had their share in setting out blueprints for either settings. Orcs and probably the blacksmith-ish dwarf theme as well. Goblins, trolls, probably the whole 9 of fantasy creatures and how they look nowadays. Star wars did similar stuff for Sci-fi. Even if it's just for something like "the stormtrooper effect", that got used a lot in cartoons in the 80's and 90's as far as I remember. Lightsabers are probably an inspiration for a lot of weapons in sci-fi. I'm not going for cheapshot by adding lasers in the mix. Sometimes I do think, what elements did Lucas, if any, "steal" from LOTR in his own product, given that it's a 20 year timespan (or so) between the actual release of both stories.
I'm still not entirely sure if the "new" trilogy should've been movies. Not that I hated them, but... I don't know, they were hyped way too much for a set of "silly" prequels.
Another stupid thing that came in my mind, seeing that Star wars has all the Lego stuff... LOTR and lego... LEGOlas anyone?