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Made Up Lyrics...!


Neur-D Missionary ☝️
V.I.P Member
Sometimes, I make up lyrics for instrumental music that lacks them. (Feel free to do the same in this thread.)

Here is one that I used to sing to my kids in the morning,...

It's time to get up,
It's time to get up,
It's time to get up, this mor-ning;

It's time to get up,
It's time to get up,
It's time to get up, right now.

Get up out of bed,
Get up, you sleepy head.

It's time to get up,
It's time to get up,
It's time to get up, right now.
If it is not obvious, it is to the tune of Reveille.
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When "Bonanza" was the only show available to watch on TV (before VCRs),...

There's-nothing-on-and-I'm-really-bored, Bonanza...!

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Sometimes, I make up lyrics for instrumental music that lacks them. (Feel free to do the same in this thread.)

Here is one that I used to sing to my kids in the morning,...

It's time to get up,
It's time to get up,
It's time to get up, this mor-ning;

It's time to get up,
It's time to get up,
It's time to get up, right now.

Get up out of bed,
Get up, you sleepy head.

It's time to get up,
It's time to get up,
It's time to get up, right now.
If it is not obvious, it is to the tune of Reveille.
My father would burst into my room and sing the same exact thing!

"It's time to get up,
It's time to get up,
It's time to get up, this mor-ning;"

He didn't have all the other lyrics though.

He would also burst into my room and loudly crow like a rooster trying to shag me out of bed. :)
During lockdown I made up some crazy words to the Stevie Wonder tune Superstition, called Self-isolation. It's a bit Aussie oriented, our Prime Minister was nicknamed ScoMo, but like everywhere in the world people were hoarding toilet paper (Sorbent). I even died my hair blue for it.

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