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Make a Wish


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Here is a thread for wishes!
A place to send your request out to the Universe, or God, or the stars, or wherever you want to send your wish.
I wish I had enough money to retire tomorrow and live in a little cottage in the countryside surrounded by nature and a pretty little garden, where I can just please myself every day and if myself and everyone I love are healthy then I'd be stress-free.

That's the life for me.
I wish for the self-determination to finally, fully take charge of my life. And also practicing gratitude along the way.
Too many wishes, but just a few:
1. I wish all human beings exhibited intellectual curiosity, empathy, and open-mindedness towards other people and information so that we can open up a constructive dialogue with each other without it triggering emotions and/or toxic, harmful behaviors.
2. I wish everyone's mental and physical ailments would disappear and we can all live happy, healthy, pain-free lives.

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