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making things


Well-Known Member
i've encountered something odd when making things which i'd like to ask others here about, i recently started making chainmaille and chainmaille jewerly (not yet leared to solder them) when my family members said they wanted what i was making.... i found it extreemly strange that people would want something i felt unfinished and cobbled together. something that i had made.

has anyone else felt something similar?
Yea. A lot of my friends ask me to fix their cars/fabricate new parts for them. Nearly every girl I've dated has had me fix their cars/trucks or their parents have asked me to work on their houses. I'm amazing at installing vinyl and steel siding so I've had random people around my hometown hire me to redo their houses siding.

Kinda the same I guess. But it sounds like you have quite the talent with jewelry and chain art.
its odd, the chain in question is a simple pattern, i saw it online, knew what pattern it was having seen how to do it elsewhere. its a simple 'helm chain' the larger rings are silver plate, the smaller rings are gold plate... haven't soldered it yet but it looks simple but delicate

i honestly dont think it was hard its just kinda time consuming

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