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man with 'behavioral condition' being hunted after kicking a baby


this is mr shadow,my support cat
BBC News - Police hunt man who kicked a baby in a York street
theres a few slightly differing articles on this story but heres the BBCs.
police are 'hunting' a man and carer of him,aparently the baby was screaming and he launched at the baby,the carer apologised for it saying he has a behavioral condition.
his behavior to noise suggests noise sensitivity,which suggests possibly somewhere on the moderate or mild autism spectrum [he was only with one carer].

the support staff were probably trying to get him out of the situation as opposed to escaping consequence but they shoud have left their phone number to sort it out with the police,no one shoud get away with forensic/criminal behavior regardless of disability,consequences can be tailored to every persons mental capacity.

on the forum had read about this on,there were users being horrible towards those of us with disabilities,saying we shoudnt be allowed out as we arent liked by society and shoudnt have to be tolerated.
In an unrelated but similar story a 10 year old chinese boy cut a workers safety harness rope because he was hanging outside his building installing something and the noise was interfering with the kids cartoon watching. The child was home unsupervised watching cartoons, and apparently his parents never taught him any manners at all.

As to the fellow that tried to hurt a baby for crying, I should think his care givers should have known his triggers better and if they are going to take him about in public they should act more on everyones behalf to keep him out of scenarios where this sort of thing would happen.

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