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Medigap Insurance Advice


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
4So, I've gone on Medicare (instead of having a spouse's insurance through work). It has come to my attention that Medicare does not cover some expenses or only 80% of some expenses and that a GAP coverage is recommended that one has to purchase separately.

I have been slowly working through a post-divorce budget (still no signed order) and it is coming out better than I expected, but I am loathe to pay more for more health insurance. OTOH, I am 71 and not getting younger or healthier. Right now I don't expect to have weeks or months in hospital, etc, but you never know. (Which is how the insurance companies get you.)

My choices seem to be $189/month that would cover most of the gap.

$140/month that would cover most as above, but with some copays and a deductible. $257 deductible, $20 for office visits and $50 for ER. This does not seem onerous.

High deductible option. $2800 deductible and then appears to cover everything over. Cost is $65/month.

My current thinking is to go with the high deductible options. It saves me almost $1000 in premiums and then there is only $1800 to make up.

Apparently I need to get this in right away due to Medicare limits - like tomorrow (Thursday 2/27). At first I just thought not to have Medigap supplemental insurance at all. Now it seems to be important if I were to get seriously ill or hurt.

Any advice or input would be appreciated.

Thank you.
I'm not especially good at stuff like this, but - if I was sure I would the $2800 always available, I'd feel comfortable going with the high deductible option.

I'd choose this for the reasons you've stated, plus the fact that the risk is easily manageable when there is safe money in the bank.
I have just one question for you. You've confined this exclusively to Medigap Coverage.

Do you have something against the countless Medicare Advantage plans out there?

This is a subject best handled by professionals trained to inform consumers of their options free of charge (Florida): Medicare


This is something IMO way too complicated to look for answers from well-intended amateurs. Best done through a professional who can help you weigh all your options.
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