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Meltdowns, Moving, and Other Drama


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Moving is stressful for even Neurotypical folks, the chaos, the cleaning, strangers tromping through your space, having to be away from home when you actually have down time and suddenly need to fill it, the clutter unearthed from cabinets, closets, and the basement. These are all anxiety triggers and we didn't have the dogs at home at this point, so I couldn't just take Rue for a walk to avoid it and decompress. I know I forced an analytical shutdown for the duration of the transition. (Also known as I allowed my inner Vulcan to surface and steamrolled my emotions.) I was ruthless in getting things done and disposing of junk. The amount of stuff we donated what mind boggling and it got us into the habit of keeping an active donation basket going. As soon as it's full it's out the door for donation.

My need for control, order, and organization made me an excellent packer. Everything was hyperorganized and labelled when the old house sold and we moved to the new house. We were packed and ready to go nearly a week before moving day. I could not process the change otherwise. The new house is bigger, completely refinished basement, a third bedroom/office for my best friends hobbies/crafts/and computer. (This space was a total life saver when she was working from home during Covid. I don't know how we would have survived it in the finite space of the old house. Two weekends of showings before it sold was bad enough.) And I love my kitchen, especially the fact that I do not have a dishwasher. (Unloading the dishwasher is my most hated chore. I will hand wash, dry, and put away an entire weeks worth of dishes before I'll unload a dishwasher.) It is a sensory thing with me and makes kitchen chores managable.

And it was my kitchen that was the breaking point for my moving stress. I just wanted a bowl of cereal and all my actual dishes, (not Tupperware, gadgets, and food that were occupying my cabinets) were in their boxes in the garage. Trigger full blown meltdown over the absolute impossibility of a trivial task. I put REM's Great Beyond on repeat and blasted out my eardrums while I rage sorted and completely reorganized my kitchen. I was cognizant and appreciative of the help we received moving and unpacking, but it was unpacked incorrectly. (Cue guilt about feeling judgemental about item placement.) My best friend didn't poke at me about it. She just let me run my course and give her the tour when I was done. (I had gotten my room into apple pie order before I stopped the night before, which included my master bookcase and the whole of its content. It was almost 3 am before, I was satisfied with it.) Motivational anxiety had me up and moving before 7 am the following day.

With my kitchen redone in a logical and appealing manner, I moved onto my book cave and the laundry room downstairs. Two trips to Target and four new bookcases later, I had no more books in boxes, and all my cleaning supplies were sorted onto the shelving in the laundry room. (We moved the boys (Rue and Zwi) home and into the laundry room the next day). We have since added a TV, a couch, a big reading chair, two more bookcases, and a cat tree to the space. We've repainted painted every room and really worked to make the new house home. Sensorial speaking, it is a clean, bright, welcoming space.

While I hated the upheaval, anxiety, and the meltdowns I cannot regret the journey or where we're at today. I've learned that I can push through when I have to and that rage chores are a powerful tool when facing a huge task. We have less mess, less junk, less worry, and way more space.

What are your experiences with moving?
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It has been hard, but selling the old house is being more difficult to me.

Selling is the by far the worst part of moving. So much stuff that needs to be done, so much that can go wrong, and the complete depersonalization of spaces that were once safehavens.
I have moved several times, the worst one was just a nightmare. It was four people living in a 2500 square feet apartment right in the middle of Oslo. So the apartment was full of four peoples belongings, it had filled up over time. And it seemed to never end, for a while I was wondering if someone was carrying things into the apartment, so much stuff everywere. We carried stuff down stairs for three days. And I had to drive everything to two other apartments, in the Oslo traffic. In the middle of it someone clogged the drain in the bathroom so we had 3 inches of water there to deal with.

I freaked out a couple of times, things were said, someone insulted someones mother, chairs was thrown at people, it was tense for a while. Then I removed a rug and discovered that someone had at some point lit candles on the hardwood floor and we had 8 round burn marks.. So we waived goodbye to the security deposit.

Then the police pulled me over and gave me a ticket because I took a shortcut on a street outside the building that was for pedestrians only. Someone dropped a washing machine down the stairs and we kept carrying and loading and unloading and carrying. It was hell. And when we were finally done, we had a mountain of trash outside the entrance to deal with. Three days later, 1:30am, I returned the trailer to the place where I had rented it, went home and passed out. I hate moving.
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Then I removed a rug and discovered that someone had at some point lit candles on the hardwood floor and we had 8 round burn marks.. So we waived goodbye to the security deposit.

At least the burn marks weren't in the shape of a pentangle.

At least the burn marks weren't in the shape of a pentangle.


No, luckily there was no pentangle, just a nice half circle. I have a vague memory of a party that was a little out of control and I saw a group of women who sat on the floor around burning candles... Maybe they tried to summon something..? :) I don't know. It was a hazy night but everyone survived. I think... As far as I know, everyone survived.
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No, luckily there was no pentangle, just a nice half circle. I have a vague memory of a party that was a little out of control and I saw a group of women who sat on the floor around burning candles... Maybe they tried to summon something..? :) I don't know. It was a hazy night but everyone survived. I think... As far as I know, everyone survived.

As far as you know.... Mmmm:confused:
So thats how the drain got clogged...:eek::eek:
I am a nester by inclination. I just added it up and from birth to death (excluding extended time in hospitals), I have lived in exactly seven different and distinct abodes. Some of those are now gone forever, some have been modified extensively, but none have ever been anything but a place to retreat to. The longest tenure in any of these was about 20 years.

As an adult, I have always been party to moving my own accumulations, meaning no moving companies. My last move was completed nearly 5 years ago, and it went in stages, taking well over a year to complete. Over time and out of desperation, I got rid of a great number of items that had been with me for several decades. I forced myself to make some hard choices, but I still have a literal ton of stuff (books, LPs, CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays) that remain in the boxes they were packed in.

I keep dwelling on that as I figure time is running out to deal with it, but that is on a very distant back-burner right now.
I am a nester by inclination. I just added it up and from birth to death (excluding extended time in hospitals), I have lived in exactly seven different and distinct abodes. Some of those are now gone forever, some have been modified extensively, but none have ever been anything but a place to retreat to. The longest tenure in any of these was about 20 years.

As an adult, I have always been party to moving my own accumulations, meaning no moving companies. My last move was completed nearly 5 years ago, and it went in stages, taking well over a year to complete. Over time and out of desperation, I got rid of a great number of items that had been with me for several decades. I forced myself to make some hard choices, but I still have a literal ton of stuff (books, LPs, CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays) that remain in the boxes they were packed in.

I keep dwelling on that as I figure time is running out to deal with it, but that is on a very distant back-burner right now.

I can relate to been attached to material things, that is one of my problems when I move. As I am not very aware of my own feelings I may find myself being sad for "no reason" just to discover some time later that my sadness comes from having get rid of some things that had inner value to me.

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