Hi All! I see that my 7 years old autistic boy gets mentally disengaged during homeschooling. He engages into stimming (scripting, laughing, spacing out) way more than usual. He still follows my directions but needs lots of help to stay on a task, doesn’t check for errors, performs automatically without thinking and usually with lots of mistakes. What is it? Need for a break? Need for more engaging tasks? Boredom? Discouragement from difficult tasks like math? I don’t want to burn him out but also following of school routine might be difficult. Thanks!
We have a saying in our neonatal unit regarding sibling visitors.
"Whatever their age in years, that's how long, in minutes, they can maintain attention, not get distracted and bored, and start to act up." At which point, the children may need to be removed from the bedside and return to the waiting room. Sage advice for parents in this situation. Seems to work out.
Even as an instructor of adults, I have to keep my lectures about 40 minutes or so, otherwise I start to loose them.
He may be a typical 7 year old with regards to his attention span, but there certainly can be some level of autism and ADHD playing into it. ADHD being a common co-morbidity with autism.
If he has some special interests, then you may be able to connect them with the subjects you are trying to teach. It may keep him more engaged.
Other than that, diet does matter, a good probiotic, anti-oxidants (resveratrol, etc), physical activity, L-theanine, etc. may help with the brain function.
Positive, goal-setting behaviors are desired. A series of small goals as part of a much larger goal. It's about those "dopamine hits". Remember, autism is one of the low dopamine neurological conditions, so goals, "points", etc will often work to give him a rise in dopamine. Ever wonder why so many can spend hours playing video games? A series of goals, the next levels, the points, etc. Just a series of dopamine hits. If you can use that technique with education, you can keep his attention.