Welcome to middle age. 
Perhaps you need to search for new hobbies instead of trying to reinstate old ones that will bring back memories of your old life.

Perhaps you need to search for new hobbies instead of trying to reinstate old ones that will bring back memories of your old life.
God guide you. Nothing lasts forever, this depressed phase you're in will go over. How? I don't know but it will. There's always s new "day" tomorrow. I found if i sleep I re-charge my mental faculties and well-being, to keep studying/improving.I used to love writing critical film reviews. Now I just feel like sitting on my couch, being anti-productive, watching trashy TV or playing brainless video games.
Quality video games are another thing I lost motivation with. Instead, I play sudoku.
I wish I had motivation to build myself up some more in my sobriety. I feel like a dry drunk. I am not drinking but I am unhappy
Life is for learning and improving. I'll try doing PS6.
i started this thread in Religious section on behalf of Metalhead if he wants. I must mention God, i'm Muslim. Understand that. If you disagree hit your head on my firewall. I don't trust disbelievers nor myself physically. Allah God has no partner. .. get safe away if you are not interested. Right? Stop manipulating.