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I have a little problem with interpreting thinks, asmall in I arrive at a different meant that was originally Ment Often this is met with silly remarks to me or people make the.fun of me how do people cope or explain away this
To a loved one (my now ex gf)
Hi, this has happened to me thousands of times. Our brains work differently, thus we see things from an "unique", minor held perspective. First of all, there is nothing wrong with seeing things from a differing context! Mainstream thinking pattern is not the official norm, so don't evaluate yourself according to the thoughts of the majority. When you deeply understand this, things will become much easier to cope and you might not even want to give any specific explanation. If you want to be in safe, think a sec before you let the words come out of your mouth. Cheers
I have a little problem with interpreting thinks, asmall in I arrive at a different meant that was originally Ment Often this is met with silly remarks to me or people make the.fun of me how do people cope or explain away this
To a loved one (my now ex gf)

You mean she broke up with you Karl? Just because of your Aspieness?
You mean she broke up with you Karl? Just because of your Aspieness?
A little off topic here but since.being.diagnosed I am sort.of.more aware of my actions ect and if I do anything aspie I recognise it but my.ex.partner will then say stop using.it as an excuse but I haven't.said anything.wrong.or anything being normal.or not an.aspie what'd your view on this
A little off topic here but since.being.diagnosed I am sort.of.more aware of my actions ect and if I do anything aspie I recognise it but my.ex.partner will then say stop using.it as an excuse but I haven't.said anything.wrong.or anything being normal.or not an.aspie what'd your view on this

I don't think she's accepted it yet and is in denial or doesn't want to accept it and expects you can change your ways and stop doing whatever it is you're doing that she doesn't like. You have an actual diagnosis so she doesn't really have a leg to stand on. If you stay with her she needs to learn some things about AS, otherwise she's going to keep trying to change you which isn't going to work out well.
She is my.ex.anyway and I can't.trust her any more she made.that clear 5 years wasted always great talking with you thanks.x
Sorry I.Ment go to chat room but since.I'm.replying lol
We haven't.spoke.about it yet but I'm moving out after the holidays so I don't ruin Xmas (her words not.mine)
What difference does it make? Before or after is going to be the same. And how are you supposed to act normal if you know what's coming? I don't understand people sometimes. And you've been together for over 4 yrs too. You'd think a diagnosis would help. She doesn't want to do counseling?
I think that's yet another thing that brings me great sadness over the holidays. Not only the deaths of my parents, but the death of a relationship that meant a lot to me. A horrible time to have broken up.

I've always thought that one was linked to the other...and never should have occurred. Just too much unrelated stress that needlessly brought down my relationship.

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