He’s fortunate to have a parent who loves him for who he is!
I don’t have kids, but I think I may have been one once. However, my husband is a high-school teacher, mostly teaching the older kids (14-18).
Firstly, your son he may be autistic but he’s still a 17-year-old lad. As a group, they’re not known for their eloquence or desire to express their innermost thoughts to their parents. Neither are they the demographic most associated with detailed life plans. I think it’s fairly common that the cute boy who would tell you everything turns into an adolescent who communicates mostly in grunts - through a closed door.
If the lack of an “easy connection” is due to him being a 17-year-old lad, he’ll probably grow out of it.
However, that said…
Being autistic, whether you have social anxiety on top of it or not, comes with social difficulties. These difficulties often do not disappear “with practice”. Or at least, I’m in my forties and I’m still waiting.
For me, I think of being autistic and having to interact with neurotypicals as like being an anthropologist studying a lost tribe of cannibals. They have a lot of complex social rituals which they never explain (and may not even understand themselves), but you have to get everything right or you will end up in the stewpot.
Every interaction, every day, is a potential stewpot moment. And you know that at some point you are going to fail, and you’ll end up in with the carrots. This is inevitable.
This is a terrifying way to live. It is also exhausting. Not only because pretending to be “one of them” takes a lot of energy, but the terror itself is debilitating.
I’ve read that a lot of the higher-functioning autistic people get diagnosed late because they can “fake it” (mask) while they are quite young and social interactions are fairly simple. They only start to have problems as they get older and things get more complicated than they can handle.
From my (autistic) perspective, the people you want around you most are those who accept you for who you are, and don’t mind when you make mistakes. And, specifically, don’t try to force you to do things that just add more terror and stress (“Why don’t you go out with your classmates? It will be fun!” [No, it will not be fun. It will be exhausting.])
What constitutes a “good life” varies greatly between people. Some people (autistic or not) have a lot of need for interpersonal contact; others don’t. Your son is an individual, and, autistic or not, may want a different sort of life to you. This doesn’t mean he’s wrong or will inevitably be unhappy. However, being autistic may make it more difficult for him to find his “good life”, so parental support while he figures it out will be important for him.
If you can get past the communication-by-grunts aspect, it might be worth talking about what he wants to do, and what he would like out of life, rather than trying to persuade him to do what you think is best for him, or asking him to “pick a job”. (I can read what I’m writing, and if you can do this with a teenage boy, you are probably a super-parent and should definitely buy a cape.)
There is also the element of what he knows, or believes, about autism. The information you get on diagnosis varies a lot, and what you think you are capable of, or what you think your life will hold, depends a lot on what other people tell you are you capable of - or not. This can work both ways; it’s equally demoralising to be told you “can’t do that because you’re autistic” or to “buck up and get on with it!” if you know it’s something unreasonably terrifying and stressful. This does not make your life as the parent of an autistic offspring any easier.
If he’s interacting with people online, at least he’s interacting with people. Online is safer and easier than real life, because it’s more controlled and controllable.
In real life, I have one real friend - I do have other people I’m friendly with, but my social relationships are all “contingent” - they exist because we have something (usually a location or pursuit) in common. When I move on… I move on. However, that’s not to say the relationships I have are not good ones, and bring me happiness for their duration. Your son might be the same. I think, if you’re autistic, it helps to have something to do (or at least something in common to talk about) when socialising.
When it comes to a career, you didn’t say what he’s graduating from, or in. However, it’s not unusual for students not to know what they’re going to do after university until quite late on - sometimes they don’t even figure it out until the Job Fair, or not until after that. My (very much not autistic) husband, for example, did not plan to be a low-level civil servant after university: that was just what turned up. His plan was mostly, “….and if all else fails, the army.” Teaching was a fourth-career thing (he was very bad at selling insurance, for example).
To be a bit more proactive about it, the things to consider are:
- Ambitions
- Qualifications
- Skills/abilities (brilliant at programming? cooking? Terrible at spelling?) - and don’t forget to think of the advantages, if any, autism brings (e.g. task focus, pattern-spotting etc)
- Interests
- Barriers and disabilities (social, sensory, etc).
Make some lists with “essential”, “like to have”, “rather not”, and “absolutely not ever”, and see what it looks like. Maybe ask one of the AIs like ChatGPT if they have any ideas (or a careers service), given the parameters you have worked out.
You and he may not end up with a nice tidy answer like “video game designer” (it happens - the son of one of the people I work with has ended up teaching video game design at university), but you may be able to hash out what a good/ideal job would look like (e.g. “working with animals”, “working with computers”, “in an office”, “outside”, etc), and then go from there.
Don’t limit yourself in what type of jobs to consider, except hard yes/no aspects; some employers are very keen to employ autistic people for their advantages in attention to detail, pattern spotting, task-focus, etc - including the UK’s GCHQ (our intelligence, security and cyber agency - the equivalent of the US’s NSA):
'Daring to think differently and be different'