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More Time on SAT Helpful?

I just found out that we can request extended test time for our daughter on the SAT exam. She has aspergers and doesn't currently have any test anxiety, but I am concerned because the test is timed and that always freaks her out.

Has anyone used this option of extended time and did it help? Thanks.
"A task will expand to fill the alotted time", or so say time management people. I think it only counts if there is enough time to begin with, however – the unspoken extension of the rule is, "a task will not compress to fit within the time constraints". I could type up an essay in the last eight hours before it is due, but not in the last five minutes.

To summarise, yes, go for it. There is no drawback and potential advantage. If she finishes early anyway she still gets to leave.
Though we don't do SAT in Canada, I found extra time for test was a huge help. Without it, I would never be able to finish.

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