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Morphine possible treatments for ASD?


Active Member
Hello there,

What effects would morphine or ketamine have on a person with ASD?,
If a person with ASD has deep social problems, and almost feels they live in a inner prison, would morphine help that?.

Thank you.
If you're having problems socializing, talk to a counselor, and don't turn to drugs. (I don't know much about ketamine, but morphine is known to be addictive.)
Addiction and "hard to get off them" applies to most drugs, including prescription ones. Though, I would be careful when it comes to experimenting with them yourself without consultation of a doctor.

I can't really add much to the topic, since I have experience with neither, though I wanted to point out that if you want to tackle ASD issues (or any other mental health issues) and want to turn to drugs, it's best to consult a professional.

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