That one guy...
I have been on many forums, and created and commented on so many welcome/hello threads that I almost ignored such a formality.
Although... Im here, and I don't even know where to begin lurking, so I might as well say hello. \_(*_*)_/ and figure out where the places to lurk are.
Here goes: I have been on almost 30 different forums (my way of escaping) all of which I have strayed away from because of real life, and or lack of general acceptance... because Im weird compared to normal people. I just hit 20 years old, and have become very familiar with my diagnosys and all my friends have at least some degree of it (at least some with the same symptoms such as ADD), and I can spot someone with it from across a school cafeteria.
I have overcome most of the challenges and major signs of it, such as the inability to look someone in the eye, but I need help because I can't seem to keep my jaw on lock down... which has been a problem in the Army (Im currently NG).
I could really use some advice in that area, and would be glad to help others as well. The military is a very hard thing to get into with any degree of Autism, yet everyone has something that will keep them from joining.
Although... Im here, and I don't even know where to begin lurking, so I might as well say hello. \_(*_*)_/ and figure out where the places to lurk are.
Here goes: I have been on almost 30 different forums (my way of escaping) all of which I have strayed away from because of real life, and or lack of general acceptance... because Im weird compared to normal people. I just hit 20 years old, and have become very familiar with my diagnosys and all my friends have at least some degree of it (at least some with the same symptoms such as ADD), and I can spot someone with it from across a school cafeteria.
I have overcome most of the challenges and major signs of it, such as the inability to look someone in the eye, but I need help because I can't seem to keep my jaw on lock down... which has been a problem in the Army (Im currently NG).
I could really use some advice in that area, and would be glad to help others as well. The military is a very hard thing to get into with any degree of Autism, yet everyone has something that will keep them from joining.