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My 3D fractal art


Amalga Heart
V.I.P Member
So I just dove into this today... a whole new wild world of, er, something. I'm not 100% clear what's happening here. Well, NOBODY seems to be 100% clear on what's happening. This is a very unique method of creating art, but there's truly amazing compositions out there. This is done via a program called Mandelbulb 3D, this giant complicated mess of a program with 5 billion functions that do who knows what.

I'd sorta call this "exploratory art". The only form of art where you might use FPS-style controls to manipulate the final image by moving through it. Unlike drawing or painting, you dont start out with a blank canvas. You start out with a demented fractal mess, and twist, rotate, alter, and move through it, while transforming all sorts of aspects by changing parameters and hoping the image doesnt go bonkers. There's a lot of math. None of which I understand. But you dont need to understand... you just need to be willing to experiment, preferrably while not going mad in the process. The more you experiment as you work on each individual thing, the more you start to get a sense of what each parameter is doing to the model as a whole.

It's better to show what I mean rather than attempt my absolutely futile explanations.


This is the first one I did. This didnt take all that long. It is only a small part of a large, vaguely spherical fractal ball. I think I did pretty decently with the colors and lighting here.


This is actually the very same 3D model as the first. I simply moved around it and got much closer. As this is a fractal model, you can get REALLY close and there'll still be tons of detail. But this was close enough. Creating this image was mostly about color selection, and learning more about the screwball lighting system. This stuff is hideously complicated. This took awhile to make.


This godawful thing took 5 billion years to do. It started out as this hideous flat spiked mess which looked NOTHING like what is in the image. After enough manipulation, I got what resembled a Borg Cube that had been attacked by space termites. Camera work and further parameter altering created some indentations. Exploration and camera placement got me this shape. And then I nearly went mad trying to deal with coloring, lighting, and shadows.

This image proves that I have no understanding of color theory. I mean, just look at that freaking thing.

I'm probably going to work on this one more further. I dont want to alter the shape or the camera position, but I'm determined to get better coloration, lighting, and shadows.

There's sooooooooo much more to learn about this program. It can even create full animations/videos.

This is REALLY processor intensive though. Holy heck. Moreso than anything else I have on this machine. Artists who focus on this sort of thing (and there are plenty of them) will want monster rigs to handle this, unless they want it to take 10x as long as it does to make these. Particularly for those making animations. It can take like 10 days to render a 3 minute animation. 10 straight days of the PC doing ONE task.

Anyway, so that's all I've got for now. Definitely more incoming, as I learn more and come up with things that dont suck. What I dont show here is the 15 or so failed experiments...

EDIT: THOSE ARE PREVIEW RENDERS!!!! What the heck! I didnt even realize. That's the LOWEST quality of rendering.
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Okay, these are the REAL renders.

These. Take. Forever.

Even on my absolute monster rig these things take like a full 3 minutes just to render ONE image. I see now why the "preview" quality level is the default. Because if you're applying changes at 3 freaking minutes every time it'll take like 20 times as long to make one of these. Good grief.

I cant imagine doing this on a weaker machine. Wow.

Uh, anyway... more to come.

There! I did it! I made a basic animation without screwing it up!

It took a couple of hours to get that giant blocky thing made, another good 45 minutes to prepare the animation sequence, and then the PC sat here for 3 straight hours just rendering the final video.

There! I did it! I made a basic animation without screwing it up!

It took a couple of hours to get that giant blocky thing made, another good 45 minutes to prepare the animation sequence, and then the PC sat here for 3 straight hours just rendering the final video.
Wow! How long did that take? How did you do it? That is very cool. Keep going!
Wow! How long did that take? How did you do it? That is very cool. Keep going!

If you want to see some of how this kind of thing is made, I did a blog post about it: Learning some new stuff. Complicated stuff.

I try to keep it as simple as possible. I'm not always so good at explaining stuff though.

As for how long the animation took, creating the "object" took probably 2 hours, setting up the animation took another hour, and then actually rendering it took 3 hours. And that's just a simple one. There are people out there who can do much more professional things with this, which can take like 10 straight days (with the computer completely focused on it 24/7) of processing just to render... AFTER creating the object, exploring it, doing lighting and stuff, setting up the animation parameters (including camera movements and transformations), and... yeah. The animating is the hardest part, while the rendering doesnt involve any action on your part. But you dont need to do any animating to make cool stuff.

Thank you for sharing your work. I guess you must have a pretty fantastic machine!

Aye, the thing was stupidly expensive. I think it cost like $4000? It's built for VR, since I'm into that. And it does this stuff pretty well as a result.
Also, I've got two new images to show:



So, yeah, those happened.

And lastly, here's a 2D one, made in a different program:


Well that's weird animation #2 done. I swear half the time making it was spent trying to decide what colors to use.

While this one looks 2D, it's a full 3D model made in Mandelbulb 3D.


And that is the thing in its default state. The animation was then created out of that.

Well okay this shows how much I dont know about this.

This is the same object as before, but I took the camera super close to it (well, insofar as "close" applies to fractals), then tilted the camera to create a vew as if you were standing on it and looking towards the edge.

The result was that. It took 10 freaking minutes to render that ONE image.

I... I dont know why. I didnt change anything about the object at all. Just got close and turned the camera... that's it. Very confused.
Wow, I'm thrilled to see I found another person here interested in fractals!

I'm going to share some of my stuff here, if you don't care.

This one kinda hit me because it reminds childhood. I used to play a lot with ink as a child, and there is a clear memory in my mind about a time when I mixed the colors and ended up with something like this.

It's the one from my profile pic.


  • fragdal.jpg
    691.9 KB · Views: 284
This one has a bit darker reason why it amuses me so much.

It reminds me of the dreams I had as a kid during night terror episodes.


  • PurpleReignjp2.jpg
    479.7 KB · Views: 266
Wow, I'm thrilled to see I found another person here interested in fractals!

To a degree, yes, though I have very little knowledge about them in terms of how they actually work.

I can use the programs but all the math stuff behind it all is utterly beyond my understanding. Probably always will be.
New stuff:





Now, this gold one was then run through a program called Kaleider, which after some fiddling resulted in this:


Kaleider is yet another complicated program that I'm learning, which I'll be using in conjunction with Mandelbulb 3D (which makes the 3D fractals) and JWildFire (which makes these 2D ones).

It can do LOTS of stuff, including something like this:

This was created by taking that previous image, mashing it together with #2 and #3 in a specific way, setting it to a specific render type, and then just letting it flow.

And that's that for today! Quite a bit done.
Beautiful stuff!!!!! Keep posting please!

Per your request, here's the best one I've managed yet:


It turns out I can combine the 3D with the 2D!!!

So, using the two rendering programs together can do truly amazing things.

No need to add Kaleider to the mix this time... only so much mad science in one day.

Also this took forever. The 2D stuff is much easier to work with, because of how the view works. So the purple bit took hardly any time. The 3D stuff, you have to deal with the utter weirdness of the camera navigation. I still havent QUITE worked out how that functions so it's very awkward currently. But still, I got that, even if it took a billionty years.
And a couple more for good measure:




That first one is a fully new fractal. #2 is the purple background from my previous post, but run through Kaleider. And then that 3rd one is a combo image of the two, also done in Kaleider.
That looks awesome, the first one would remind me of some sort of El Dorado with an alien oblivion portal opening above it (don't ask me why I thought about that).

How much time to render each one?

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