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My annual "I love this site" post.

Nervous Rex

High-functioning autistic
V.I.P Member
I was diagnosed with autism on this day 6 years ago. On that same day, I joined this forum.

I felt like the realization turned my life upside down. It explained so much but I felt -at that time - like a label was also a limitation. This forum was a wonderful resource for finding out about others' experiences and helping me work through the realization.

I'm grateful for everything everyone shared when I was coming to terms with my diagnosis. I'm also very grateful for the moderators on this site. They work hard to ensure that the site runs smoothly and is a welcoming and safe place.

I'm not on the site as much because 1) I don't have as much to work through and 2) my life got very busy and I just don't have the energy and time that I need to make well-formed posts here. But I still check in occasionally and I hope to return to more activity later.

Thank you all, and I love you all.
I would second that sentiment.
I didn't start posting until I got confirmation of my diagnosis too.
GREAT resource and source of AMAZING support!
I wasn't diagnosed until my mid-fifties and was glad to find out.
I never felt any problems with acceptance of the label. Just surprised as I knew nothing about it prior.

I also joined this forum as soon as I was diagnosed and found it an amazingly helpful place. Also, it was like reading my life story in so many of the posts.
Thanks for being here. Thanks to all who share and the moderators who do a very good job!

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