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My Aspie Thanksgiving.


Well-Known Member
I will stuff a chicken (prefer it to turkey) and enjoy it with my two cats and one dog. At 69 I have finally realized I am happier alone on holidays. Being with NTs and trying not to be annoying for all those decades was exhausting. My sons are 20 and 3000 miles away and they will call me and they will probably also talk to each other. One son has a wife and the other is divorced, but almost always has a live-in girlfriend. The divorced son is a gourmet cook and they will enjoy a sophisticated feast. I have a living brother 6 hours away and called him on Wednesday for double duty--happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday. He turned 74, his daughter is dead and his wife is still living. Anyone want to join me in a nauseating chorus of "Over the River and Through the Wood"?
If I have the possibility of solitude on holidays, I look forward to it. Although I certainly enjoy being with the right people. (happiest with Aspies; Nts are great people, just exhausting to be around.)
Depressing thread-not that I'm going to add much sparkle to it! ;) Always amazes me how many women want to be alone. While single men my age are among the most lonely socially isolated people in the USA. My ex-girlfriend will come to my place with her nephew. He's a crack addict & he might bring one of his druggie woman friends with him. Yeah.

I like him but if you think I'm hyper, he's ten times more hyper than me! And skinny as a string bean. I'm always uncomfortable around him as he can be very hyper & unpredictable. But I feel sorry for him as no one in his family will talk to him except my ex-girlfriend. Ok here's teh routine-she eats for five minutes. During the first 30 seconds she leaps up to get something she forgot.

"I'll ask can I get it?" But by that time she's half way into the kitchen. Then she will eat for another minute & suddenly leap up again! Off to the kitchen...within 5 minutes she's done eating & is receding on the couch...falling asleep. That's my Thanksgiving. I'm lucky cause I know a lot of men in my area who have no one. Plus there's a large homeless population of men.

I just wish she would sit for 15 minutes without jumping up. 15 years ago she was better. But in the past 5 or 7 years I've gotten used to her five minute Thanksgiving meals. I'm too shocked to say anything. And always, always sad in my heart. When her nephew doesn't show up I'm left alone at the dinner table.

Then as she sleeps I change the channel to put on football. Sh! I am lucky-at least I have company. It's a long story on how my family traditions were crushed by my brother's wife in the 90s until none of my family got together. Every holiday is getting more lonelier and difficult for me. My whole family is dead. If my ex-wife is in a good mood, she will let me talk to my son for 15 minutes.

I'm so dreading tomorrow & have caught a slight cold. Ok on to bed as I'm too negative right now.

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