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My car status update


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
It took six weeks, but my car that has been stuck in another city is finally ready for the repair, should be ready in two weekends...

I had potentially lined up another car to borrow for the next two weeks but that fell through, so another two weeks of bus riding, missing out on things I'd like to do, missing out on life itself, or at least that's what it feels like

On the good side, all I have to do is cover the cost of the parts (timing belt replacement), only $320, and I don't have buy a new car, although it's all been very frustrating still

At least there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but it still seems so far away and I feel like my patience is getting thinner by the day

I just need to remind myself that this will end, and ask myself what I can learn from this, times like this can (even should) lead to developing character and resilience, which I feel like I'm failing at right now
Oh how I despise the helplessness of having major car repairs or the often long waits that can happen. It is such a disruption in our lives. It really sucks. Been there, done that a few times.

Even if you have the tools and a garage and love to tinker around with things, vehicles now-a-days are an absolute rats nest of emissions equipment, sensors, etc. and are just crammed into the engine bay, you can hardly get a hand tool in there, that is, not without a fair amount of disassembly and a pile of parts on the floor before you can actually get to what you need to get at. I don't envy modern automotive technicians.

A timing belt, something that doesn't cost that much, in and of itself, often requires disassembly of the entire front of the engine and all the accessories that are mounted in the front. Sometimes it requires pulling the engine out of the engine bay, depending upon the vehicle. If the belt breaks while then engine is running, it can result in damage to many other parts, like valves, etc. If that happens, you might be better off with getting a replacement engine. So many little parts to an internal combustion engine, they really are marvels of engineering, that is, until something breaks.
Oh how I despise the helplessness of having major car repairs or the often long waits that can happen. It is such a disruption in our lives. It really sucks. Been there, done that a few times.

Even if you have the tools and a garage and love to tinker around with things, vehicles now-a-days are an absolute rats nest of emissions equipment, sensors, etc. and are just crammed into the engine bay, you can hardly get a hand tool in there, that is, not without a fair amount of disassembly and a pile of parts on the floor before you can actually get to what you need to get at. I don't envy modern automotive technicians.

A timing belt, something that doesn't cost that much, in and of itself, often requires disassembly of the entire front of the engine and all the accessories that are mounted in the front. Sometimes it requires pulling the engine out of the engine bay, depending upon the vehicle. If the belt breaks while then engine is running, it can result in damage to many other parts, like valves, etc. If that happens, you might be better off with getting a replacement engine. So many little parts to an internal combustion engine, they really are marvels of engineering, that is, until something breaks.

The engine will be okay, thank goodness
Seven months- long after my cousin hit my parked car and having to endure many weeks with it at the body shop. I wince to think that they didn't do the best job I was hoping for, But then I feel about how desperate I was to get back my car. Yeah...I know how it feels.

Good to know your car will be okay was well...where the most important thing is that it runs and can be functional when and where you need it! No matter how it may look.
At rush hour! An 11 minute wait for the train :rolleyes:. Isn't the train supposed to run on my time, this makes for a 1.5 hour commute going home... I'm still not adjusting well


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