Big event downtown today, essentially a winter style street festival, I enjoy any kind of a festival (re: photography, what else)... Note: I had already spent several hours in the afternoon at another outdoor event, went home and took a break of about an hour
Went down there, it took me ages to find a parking spot, a process that agitates me when parking spots are scarce and I'm trying to go somewhere I want to go
My parking spot was nowhere near the street where the event was happening, and yes I was agitated and thrown off a little... As I wandered the festival when I got there, it just seemed like I was always one second too late for any photo I wanted to take, and I wasn't happy, frustrated... When things don't go well for me I can almost feel a grimace on my face because of my frustration, yet I tend to be nose to the grindstone in my approach so just keep trying...
I still don't feel like I got any good photos, home now and they are downloaded... Admittedly night photography is far more difficult, I also think that the points of interaction (ie. art/light items) were not very good for it this year, or maybe I was just creatively tired from the afternoon but I can often do two events like this in the same day, regardless...
I'm blaming myself for what feels like a failure, which may or may not be the case,
I don't know if it's an artistic thing or an autistic thing, perhaps a combination of both... Two photos I took tonight...
Went down there, it took me ages to find a parking spot, a process that agitates me when parking spots are scarce and I'm trying to go somewhere I want to go
My parking spot was nowhere near the street where the event was happening, and yes I was agitated and thrown off a little... As I wandered the festival when I got there, it just seemed like I was always one second too late for any photo I wanted to take, and I wasn't happy, frustrated... When things don't go well for me I can almost feel a grimace on my face because of my frustration, yet I tend to be nose to the grindstone in my approach so just keep trying...
I still don't feel like I got any good photos, home now and they are downloaded... Admittedly night photography is far more difficult, I also think that the points of interaction (ie. art/light items) were not very good for it this year, or maybe I was just creatively tired from the afternoon but I can often do two events like this in the same day, regardless...
I'm blaming myself for what feels like a failure, which may or may not be the case,
I don't know if it's an artistic thing or an autistic thing, perhaps a combination of both... Two photos I took tonight...