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My evening (and frustration)


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Big event downtown today, essentially a winter style street festival, I enjoy any kind of a festival (re: photography, what else)... Note: I had already spent several hours in the afternoon at another outdoor event, went home and took a break of about an hour

Went down there, it took me ages to find a parking spot, a process that agitates me when parking spots are scarce and I'm trying to go somewhere I want to go

My parking spot was nowhere near the street where the event was happening, and yes I was agitated and thrown off a little... As I wandered the festival when I got there, it just seemed like I was always one second too late for any photo I wanted to take, and I wasn't happy, frustrated... When things don't go well for me I can almost feel a grimace on my face because of my frustration, yet I tend to be nose to the grindstone in my approach so just keep trying...

I still don't feel like I got any good photos, home now and they are downloaded... Admittedly night photography is far more difficult, I also think that the points of interaction (ie. art/light items) were not very good for it this year, or maybe I was just creatively tired from the afternoon but I can often do two events like this in the same day, regardless...

I'm blaming myself for what feels like a failure, which may or may not be the case,
I don't know if it's an artistic thing or an autistic thing, perhaps a combination of both... Two photos I took tonight...

Chinook Blast 04.jpg

Chinook Blast 05.jpg
What ISO setting were you using? Night photography...yeah you're a glutton for punishment. :eek:
What ISO setting were you using? Night photography...yeah you're a glutton for punishment. :eek:

I've done lots of night photography at different events, I just use available street lights, highest ISO on my current camera is 6400, then in most cases 1/30 to 1/60 shutter speed, and in most cases F/2 to F/5 (F/5 if I'm lucky), it will likely be a soft photo, for the record I like photos like that sometimes...

Tonight felt like something different, beyond technical geekery
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Those are both gorgeous photos. But maybe sometimes the best photographs are to be had in the places you least expect?
I've done lots of night photography at different events, I just use available street lights, highest ISO on my current camera is 6400, then in most cases 1/30 to 1/60 shutter speed, and in most cases F/2 to F/5 (F/5 if I'm lucky), it will likely be a soft photo, for the record I like photos like that sometimes...

Tonight felt like something different, beyond technical geekery

I've never even thought about attempting to capture people candidly in so little light. But then I can handle only so much grain as well. Another "Kobyashi Maru"...:(

The ISO settings on my DSLR only go to 1600 tops! :oops:

Do you ever think about abandoning traditional cameras for something like an iPhone that is supposed to damn near achieve miracles in terms of low-light conditions?
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I've never even thought about attempting to capture people candidly in so little light. But then I can handle only so much grain as well. Another "Kobyashi Maru"...:(

The ISO settings on my DSLR only go to 1600 tops! :oops:

Do you ever think about abandoning traditional cameras for something like an iPhone that is supposed to damn near achieve miracles in terms of low-light conditions?

Modern dSLR's go far higher than 1600 ISO now, I actually use Fuji mirrorless for several years now (think ranger finder film camera, Leica in particular)

And I have sometimes used night vision on my Google Pixel 4a camera phone, but still prefer to be old fashioned for most of what I do... I did use my camera phone recently for several photos inside the hall of a classic car swap meet

Lethbridge Swap Meet 03.jpg
Night photography is a real challenge.

As a thought: Ever think about going to comic cons and taking your photography there?
Night photography is a real challenge.

As a thought: Ever think about going to comic cons and taking your photography there?

Not entirely sure what you mean, but I have sometimes gone to our local Comic Con, just done outside photography (the free part) as people mingle outside... Have never paid to go inside, and I'm not that much into that scene necessarily...
Not entirely sure what you mean, but I have sometimes gone to our local Comic Con, just done outside photography (the free part) as people mingle outside... Have never paid to go inside, and I'm not that much into that scene necessarily...
That’s exactly what I meant and it’s cool that you’ve done that.
I`m just wondering, as a photographer, do you have to get permission to take pictures of strangers on the streets? Just wondering if you have to ask everyone or get them to sign something.

I like the pictures, the only thing I wish wasn`t in the pictures is that neon sign or light or whatever it is above the womans head, the woman with the furry thing. My eyes are pulled towards it. Photoshop. :) Or maybe it`s just me, it`s a good picture.

It's allowed to do that... I just can't sell the photo commercially...

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