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My family doesn't support me...


alien baby
I recently quit my job due to stress and I don't know whether or not I want to go to the CC that my family is trying to force me to go to. They say that I "have to do something." They say that I can't just sit around eating and sleeping and watching TV all day, but I kind of don't feel that I can do anything else right now...
I recently quit my job due to stress and I don't know whether or not I want to go to the CC that my family is trying to force me to go to. They say that I "have to do something." They say that I can't just sit around eating and sleeping and watching TV all day, but I kind of don't feel that I can do anything else right now...

Sure you can sit around eating, sleeping and watching TV all day. Just because they don't like that lifestyle doesn't mean it's wrong.

However, I see where they are coming from. There's a bit of an issue with money clearly, and to some extent future perspectives.

Perhaps it's good to think and dream about your future a bit and see where you want to go. Looking at your profile here, you're still young and probably have some options open. I doubt you would want to eat/sleep/watch tv for the next 50 years or so.

If your family is forcing you, do they at least take the time to go through the options with you? Going to school for no real reason besides "not sitting at home" doesn't feel like any motivation either.
I agree with the king. You are the only one who can figure out what kind of work you would be happy doing. I know you may feel like you don't want to do anything at all, but the cruel reality is that we all have to do something to put food on the table at some point. Your parents may not be there forever to provide for you so you will at some point have to figure out what to do with your life. Be sure and be realistic with your career choice too. Think about what the actual job is going to be like. Do you want to deal with people or do something with more solitude. What are you good at. Don't go to college just to be going. Choose where you want to go and take the steps you need to get there.

It takes awhile to figure out sometimes but start planning your future now. Hope this helps!
Unless your family insists that you take certain courses or certain kinds of courses, if they absolutely insist that you attend, you could take relatively easy courses, such as art. One of those Exploring College freshman courses where that help you figure out what you want to study may also be helpful.

On the other hand, you could try to compromise by telling them that you will take a class or two or find another job next term, then use this term for a break.
Sorry to hear about the trouble that you're going through. I hope that things look up for you soon.
there is no point in signing up for college [guessing that what CC is?] in the current circumstances,if have not got the motivation to do much in the day will not have the motivation or stress tolerance to cope with college,itd be a waste of money and time in own view.
get mental health better first,before comitting to anything.
the title "my family doesn't support me" is a bit of a misleading title, imo. Of course your family shouldn't control your life. But if they encourage you to find a job, or to take courses, that's not necessarily a lack of support. I also try to encourage my uncle to find a job, because his life is a mess right now. I still support him, but it's a useful piece of advice.
Even wealthy people who literally can sit around doing nothing but eating sleeping and watching tv get bored of that and tend to find something to do with their time, even if it is charity type work.

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