For those who defy their Lord is the punishment of hell, and it is an evil destination. When they are thrown in it, they hear it blaring, as it seethes, almost exploding with rage.
Whenever a group is thrown in it, its keepers will ask them, ‘Did not any warner come to you?’ They will say, ‘Yes, a warner did come to us, but we impugned [him] and said, ‘Allah did not send down anything; you are only in great error.’
And they will say, ‘Had we listened or applied reason, we would not have been among inmates of the Blaze.’
I'm Warner in power of my Defensive Weapon and i'm Defenestreated. I may be Defense Department. I don't know who I am as people don't want to meet me ( as ID - Identity - Who are you?), but i'm human like you. I eat and walk in the market.
I don't want to make it Harder for you, in God's name.