Hello there! I'm from Central Europe. I have an interest in autism and I love talking to different people as well as sharing and hearing their stories. I can relate very well to the disorder as I've been outcasted and felt I couldn't make friends, am an indoor person, extremely silent in real life even when I'm highly required not to be and would have benefits if I would be, an introvert, anxious and very shy in public as well as having a strong preference to work alone and undisturbed. I enjoy being supportive and having entertaining and enlightening conversations, although I might not be in theme with most books and games.
Whaa-? Since you're still reading I'm gonna tell you a bit more about my relation to this disorder. I'm in a long distance relationship with a HFA person who has been a wonderful as well as difficult experience, there have been misunderstandings and times I thought he was irritated with me for no reason, I felt inferior from a smarts point of view and unable to please and comfort him, but he's my smartie-pants and I love him to bits so I'm not giving up, no no. We made progress through communication and time and patience helped him open up and learn. I have also previously dated a HFA who sparked an interest in the mind and unique nature of Low Latent Inhibition bearers, have an Asperger's former best friend (I can't rely so much on him anymore because he makes bad decisions) and a few other friends with the disorder, as well as an old friend who is suspected to have autism, but it is not confirmed yet by his psychologist, waiting on the results and more research.
Whaa-? Since you're still reading I'm gonna tell you a bit more about my relation to this disorder. I'm in a long distance relationship with a HFA person who has been a wonderful as well as difficult experience, there have been misunderstandings and times I thought he was irritated with me for no reason, I felt inferior from a smarts point of view and unable to please and comfort him, but he's my smartie-pants and I love him to bits so I'm not giving up, no no. We made progress through communication and time and patience helped him open up and learn. I have also previously dated a HFA who sparked an interest in the mind and unique nature of Low Latent Inhibition bearers, have an Asperger's former best friend (I can't rely so much on him anymore because he makes bad decisions) and a few other friends with the disorder, as well as an old friend who is suspected to have autism, but it is not confirmed yet by his psychologist, waiting on the results and more research.