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My life is complete dog muck now...

Lemon Zing

Well-Known Member
I have a court date coming up next month, for issuing 'threats of violence' from late 2019. Seriously...

2014 to 2021 sucked. Although my life before that was more or less garbage as well. Especially since I chased after a woman for years, who was a fraud.

Like, picture this. You're a guy who gets no support any more, lives on welfare, everyone apparently laughs at, and has no social life at all. No partner to speak of either. Little spare money. Zero self-esteem. But despite that, you want to be a film extra, because well, who the heck doesn't like movies? Normally, it's kind of easy to gain a small background role in a film through volunteering or being signed to GBM Casting, or some similar agency that assigns people for the atmosphere. But imagine some idiots just DO NOT like you, so they go around sabotaging your chances of being a film extra. I actually underlined that part, because that just sounds insane...

Well, that's what has been happening to me since like, 2016. Plus, I even donated money on Indiegogo to get noticed. Didn't know any of the folk involved whatsoever when I offered to pledge towards the production costs. I just liked the sound of the films. But this Nicola, Nicolette, or whoever, kept running her mouth. I've never met this person before. My only correspondence with her was through her Twitter, but that was YEARS ago. She claims she asked me not to contact her, yet she never responded to any of my messages. She also blocked me and said it was because I left tweets to adult workers, but it was really because I sent her a DM about people from a film I was in that she happened to be in. So why'd she tell fibs?

For some reason, I get people soiling my name over and over again all over the Internet. I also had to ask Fandom (which was Wikia) to disable comments on my filmography page at the Horror Film Wiki, because I think that certain troll I told you about was leaving anonymous attack comments there. I mean, who else would it be other than that pathological cretin?

So I seen a social worker for a court report last Friday. Well, I told him that for most of my adult life, I've just had nothing but hefty abuse online, and as you know, I had a whole plethora of personal issues because of the staff who assisted me in the past, that I got charged over repeatedly. I also had a guy sending me emails with a made up name, but that was a long time ago.

I think if I were to sue these different people, it probably wouldn't get me anywhere, because they screwed my sister out of seeing her kids and nothing has gotten better. I don't even know how much that would cost, and it could be a breach of the current court orders. So I guess you cannot protest anything. :oops:

In the event of some people stitching me up, I have some limited proof that it occurred. But in other cases, it's not so simple. So I don't know what else to attempt anymore. But it's bugging me how I cannot do anything in the entertainment industry seemingly, because the odds are too stacked against me. I think some people just enjoy making your life miserable and messing with you personally, which is sad, but that's life.

The last thing I want to say, is that some support workers are just scum. I used to get the ones I had lying to me. Like when the staff got the police to my door and gave them the spare keys to walk into my flat in the supported accommodation they run, they said they didn't know anything about it. Other times they outright lied or deceived me in some way. By that point, the working relationship was pretty much finished, but the pain did not end there.

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. A lot of them are unfortunately unqualified and I have to question why they can land jobs as a care provider anyway. I think it's sad that the legal system and people in general nowadays, have a funny attitude. Somebody also scammed me out of £40 on this OnlyFans type website, and that's just pathetic.

I have a court date coming up next month, for issuing 'threats of violence' from late 2019. Seriously...

2014 to 2021 sucked. Although my life before that was more or less garbage as well. Especially since I chased after a woman for years, who was a fraud.

Like, picture this. You're a guy who gets no support any more, lives on welfare, everyone apparently laughs at, and has no social life at all. No partner to speak of either. Little spare money. Zero self-esteem. But despite that, you want to be a film extra, because well, who the heck doesn't like movies? Normally, it's kind of easy to gain a small background role in a film through volunteering or being signed to GBM Casting, or some similar agency that assigns people for the atmosphere. But imagine some idiots just DO NOT like you, so they go around sabotaging your chances of being a film extra. I actually underlined that part, because that just sounds insane...

Well, that's what has been happening to me since like, 2016. Plus, I even donated money on Indiegogo to get noticed. Didn't know any of the folk involved whatsoever when I offered to pledge towards the production costs. I just liked the sound of the films. But this Nicola, Nicolette, or whoever, kept running her mouth. I've never met this person before. My only correspondence with her was through her Twitter, but that was YEARS ago. She claims she asked me not to contact her, yet she never responded to any of my messages. She also blocked me and said it was because I left tweets to adult workers, but it was really because I sent her a DM about people from a film I was in that she happened to be in. So why'd she tell fibs?

For some reason, I get people soiling my name over and over again all over the Internet. I also had to ask Fandom (which was Wikia) to disable comments on my filmography page at the Horror Film Wiki, because I think that certain troll I told you about was leaving anonymous attack comments there. I mean, who else would it be other than that pathological cretin?

So I seen a social worker for a court report last Friday. Well, I told him that for most of my adult life, I've just had nothing but hefty abuse online, and as you know, I had a whole plethora of personal issues because of the staff who assisted me in the past, that I got charged over repeatedly. I also had a guy sending me emails with a made up name, but that was a long time ago.

I think if I were to sue these different people, it probably wouldn't get me anywhere, because they screwed my sister out of seeing her kids and nothing has gotten better. I don't even know how much that would cost, and it could be a breach of the current court orders. So I guess you cannot protest anything. :oops:

In the event of some people stitching me up, I have some limited proof that it occurred. But in other cases, it's not so simple. So I don't know what else to attempt anymore. But it's bugging me how I cannot do anything in the entertainment industry seemingly, because the odds are too stacked against me. I think some people just enjoy making your life miserable and messing with you personally, which is sad, but that's life.

The last thing I want to say, is that some support workers are just scum. I used to get the ones I had lying to me. Like when the staff got the police to my door and gave them the spare keys to walk into my flat in the supported accommodation they run, they said they didn't know anything about it. Other times they outright lied or deceived me in some way. By that point, the working relationship was pretty much finished, but the pain did not end there.

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. A lot of them are unfortunately unqualified and I have to question why they can land jobs as a care provider anyway. I think it's sad that the legal system and people in general nowadays, have a funny attitude. Somebody also scammed me out of £40 on this OnlyFans type website, and that's just pathetic.


Sorry to hear this. Sometimes you are targeted and all you can do is scratch your head.

Sometimes l think a lot of people are real life trolls.
@Paul Lee, do you have an official diagnosis of ASD?
Even if it doesn't produce a "not guilty" verdict, it should figure into sentencing. Do you have a court-appointed attorney?
Yeah, I have a lawyer. He is kind of useless. He told me he would tell the sheriff I got slandered before we went into the courtroom, but he didn't. :confused:
I was diagnosed with PDD-NOS in 2007. The company I used to receive support from, is Autism Initiatives. The Edinburgh branch.

He has been my solicitor since 2014. The thing is, he has me pleading guilty to various charges, but never once tells the court about what the opposition did. I.E. I have different complainers. Like that's not even me harassing them. I was minding my own business, trying to be an extra in some low budget films. I didn't meet any of them, besides one of them in 2017. I was just applying for extra parts.

I think they pick on me, because of my previous charges. Because I can see all of this is really daft. But if you return to court, they know about what happened years ago, when the issues with the support workers are not related. So it's like they crack that whip, when it's more so a minor dispute in my eyes. But like, if I get mad and say you're getting smashed because they did things to intentionally grate on my nerves, that's immediately used as ammunition for these bullies to say, "Oh, he scared me" when it's a crock of crap they perpetrated. I really have no reason to doubt otherwise...
Everyone is a walking lawsuit in this world, we are just grist to their mill. Hope you can get through this.

I also had to dump a career in film (writing/directing) cos, uh, it's a 'people like us/teamwork' world, and they will attack if you're not 'people like us'. Xenophobia is completely real to NT's.

The rare few of us who make it thru (Kubrick/Seinfeld..and actors who are open about being autistic, well it can give a false impression of the industry and it's uh inclusiveness.
I mean, support workers should be screened for quality inspection. I guess they don't, but that's kind of ridiculous.

You cannot have ones assigned to you that are not fit for their purpose. But this is what happens when the NHS is so lame today.

You know you cannot trust these support workers. Especially when you get a guy who is much older than you are, and therefore should know better, sending me nasty emails from Gumtree with a nickname he created from a Hotmail account. He used to say things about a wrestler called Eddie Guerrero, and my ex-girlfriend, and he named her schools. And he made some off handed comments about bands from the 80's and how I should set about shaking off my mortal coil. That is very derogatory. He even admitted that it was him, "trying to help me". This company should be placed on the DO NOT GO TO list. Thank God for me yielding 1% dignity.
Double post...

I had a non-harassment order years ago for another support worker, just basically because I asked her out and offered an apology, but she continued holding hostility over it and eventually, I got remanded in jail. The bosses called Seniors had regularly lied and said she and this key worker I had, were "just busy" and had me sold down the river. Her NCO happened to expire in May of last year.

Right afterwards, the police for some reason, came to my flat with a warrant. They banged very loudly on my front door in my flat, but I just sat there and kept quiet. They claimed they seen a light on and a key in the door. Uh... I doubt it. That's a tiny hole.

This was because I uploaded a hour long video on Internet Archive, complaining about how they mistreated me. Yet in the video, I spoke of a lot of people and not just her. Including this other support worker. The whole thing is rather convuluted. You can read my prior threads.

In a police report, she said, "I know what he is capable of!" Like... WHAT!?

And I messaged one of these film producers about me getting a refund. Was not once acknowledged. Not even once. She told the police she repeatedly asked me not to contact her. I had to ask the police for proof, which they could not provide, since she made it all up. Another time I lost close to £200 because somebody defamed me. But this is what I mean. It never ends.
Everything feels ruined now, because of COVID-19. :mad:

Did any of you catch that, by any chance? Luckily, I believe that I missed it.

This is why the court was shut, except for hearings.

Not only that, I called the simples procedures department to speak to someone about getting posted out forms to reclaim money and I said, "I cannot go online to view the link. Send me the small claims paperwork by mail!"

"We don't usually do that, as there's a website!" :rolleyes:

The next time I rang up, the other person was way more understanding. Which suggests some people are just awkward on purpose. :cool:

I even said I was not allowed online, per my bail terms.

They just kept talking about their government website, where all this stuff is apparently located for downloading.

But. Ya. Missed. Part. About. Me. Banned. From. Internet. Send. Me. Forms. Not. Hard. :confused:

I felt like I was talking to a child.

It was like, oh my goodness. How come nobody can comprehend anything I am saying anymore?

And yes, I was told there's summary applications at scot.gov.whatever.co.uk, but I didn't know what they were called exactly. Helpful staff, indeed. That's what they're there for, right?



That has to be frustrating. I have had lots of people try to push my buttons so l just threw the towel in, and just stay home a lot. Because if you for some reason attract trolls, you can't do anything about it. Now l just go out with the mindset that people are crazy. And perhaps they think l have it better then they do or why would they be around me? A very old senior citizen. Lol
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