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My new phone, and irrational sentiments


Well-Known Member
Back in november, I bought a new phone, since my previous one was having trouble receiving calls and texts. This new one, for whatever reason, didn't carry my voice. I could hear them, but they couldn't hear anything I said. My phone company was pretty useless in helping me out, so I switched companies and got a new phone, which is pretty similar to the earlier one, except that it actually works.

But then here's my problem: I'm still attached to the previous one. More specifically, I feel bad for it, being tossed aside in favor of a new phone. I'm afraid it might feel neglected or something, or like it let me down. But what can I do? I need a phone, and this one just didn't work.

I had the same problem last time. And the time before that. And not just with phones, but things like clothes, shoes, etc. But I used my phone all the time, and now it's just sitting in my dresser. I feel like I want to console it, because I don't hate it.

I know it's irrational to be concerned about the feelings of an inanimate object, but I can't help it.
You can keep it around like a sentimental item and feel like it was its time to “retire”. Maybe that will help with the bad feelings?
First, has your phone been unlocked from your previous carrier? If not, you might want to call your previous carrier and have them unlock your phone. After that has been done, you can use your old phone with any carrier you please. It usually requires a new SIM from your current carrier.

As an added bonus, once your phone’s been unlocked, it remains unlocked, so you can change carriers at will.
l am on my phone which has been repaired again for a cracked screen. l priced it and it's cheaper to fix screen then replace it. I was cleaning the fridge of a rental and it dropped onto ceramic tile and was pretty badly cracked since Dec. Finally 3 + months later l had it repaired. Instead of tossing to the landfill. The phone people were okay to deal with
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You could try and see if it can be fixed and then either keep it as a back-up or give it away to someone who needs it.
I am like that too. I actually feel sorry for old phones and the such, when I have to get rid of them. But, how I get around that feeling, is by selling them and that makes me feel a bit better; hoping they have gone to a nice home.
It's a very frustrating dynamic to have to toss much of anything that still functions properly, yet is deemed obsolete only from a marketing perspective. Reminds me of all the computers I built over the years that still worked just fine, but made obsolete with successive operating systems running only on newer hardware platforms.

Where obsolescence is deliberate by design. A concept that more or less didn't exist when I was a child. When a number of consumer products were still manufactured to last in an era when technology didn't change so abruptly. :oops:
Back in november, I bought a new phone, since my previous one was having trouble receiving calls and texts. This new one, for whatever reason, didn't carry my voice. I could hear them, but they couldn't hear anything I said. My phone company was pretty useless in helping me out, so I switched companies and got a new phone, which is pretty similar to the earlier one, except that it actually works.

But then here's my problem: I'm still attached to the previous one. More specifically, I feel bad for it, being tossed aside in favor of a new phone. I'm afraid it might feel neglected or something, or like it let me down. But what can I do? I need a phone, and this one just didn't work.

I had the same problem last time. And the time before that. And not just with phones, but things like clothes, shoes, etc. But I used my phone all the time, and now it's just sitting in my dresser. I feel like I want to console it, because I don't hate it.

I know it's irrational to be concerned about the feelings of an inanimate object, but I can't help it.

I just saw that i did not write my reply or it wasn't saved.
I wanted to write that i have a similar relation to some of my things. I got a new ipod 3 years ago,but i am still using my old one. When my previous mobile phone broke and i got a new one, i could not use it ,cause i was still attached to my old one. For a month i didn't use a mobile phone , since the old one was broken and i was not ready to use the new one.
Something similar is happening with my shoes. I like to wear the same pair of winter boots and i don't want to wear another pairs i have. When those boots were worn out, i looked to buy the same ones,but i didn't find them and i was still wearing them ,until spring came and i changed shoes.
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I am thinking of using my old phone as a music player; I'm sure it has a lot more storage than my old iPod.

There's really no point in unlocking it and using it on another network, since my new carrier gave me a phone for free. Likewise, since I have this new phone, there's no real need to see if my old one can be fixed (assuming it's the phone and not just the network). But I can keep it around as a potential backup, I guess.
I am thinking of using my old phone as a music player; I'm sure it has a lot more storage than my old iPod.

There's really no point in unlocking it and using it on another network, since my new carrier gave me a phone for free. Likewise, since I have this new phone, there's no real need to see if my old one can be fixed (assuming it's the phone and not just the network). But I can keep it around as a potential backup, I guess.
You could use it for a separate email account if you have Wi-Fi and avoid mindnumbing advertisements every hour

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