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My Ordeal


Well-Known Member
What you see on prison documentaries can be what it's like in homeless hostels and B&B's. In my opinion not an appropriate place for an aspie! If your not 'one of them', sometimes it's dangerous for you! And people who were in the homeless hostel/B&B can meet you on the street after you have left.

A few years ago a gang unprovoked attacked me and two days later they tried to do it again and the second time it was witnessed by a couple getting out of a car. I gave a statement to the police and the couple, then the police told the council, (it was a council flat I was staying in at the time).

Due to these two events (where I required hospital treatment, and I was surrounded by the wicked and cowardly attackers who had weapons, who knows the severity of the attack if I hadn't used self-defence in order to run). The council gave me 'silver priority' and I had to stay in a homeless B&B, once I was out of hospital.

I managed to get myself into a homeless hostel, the 'if your not one of them' scenario was still applicable there like in the B&B but at least there were laundry facilities and breakfast and dinner in the hostel, although you weren't allowed to eat meals in your room. I had to bid for a new flat while I was in the B&B and hostel and I had to bid within all areas of the council, even areas with bad reputations, I don't believe that is appropriate for an aspie!
I'm forever grateful that my brand new (not even official back then) boyfriend and his roommate let me move in with them when I lost my job due to crippling depression, was kicked out by my landlord, wasn't speaking to my parents and wasn't eligible for welfare due to not having a place to live. Even though the flat was way too small for three people and I was spreading my depression and despair all over the place, teetering on the brink of psychosis, and not doing anything around the house but smoke and drink and watch TV, they welcomed me and made me feel loved. They paid for my food and I didn't have to pay rent until I found a job again.
I'm forever grateful because otherwise I would have ended up on the streets. I wouldn't do well there when I'm in my best way, but back then in my incredibly vulnerable state it would not have ended well for me. I was already considering prostitution back then, but luckily I've never had to resort to that. I did work for a shady online sexting company for a while because I was being chased by debtors, I was so happy when I found a proper job so I could quit that. It did not sit well with me, ethically, because I was pretending to be into these guys and had to keep them talking to me for as long as possible, even though I was never going to meet them.
What you see on prison documentaries can be what it's like in homeless hostels and B&B's. In my opinion not an appropriate place for an aspie! If your not 'one of them', sometimes it's dangerous for you! And people who were in the homeless hostel/B&B can meet you on the street after you have left.

A few years ago a gang unprovoked attacked me and two days later they tried to do it again and the second time it was witnessed by a couple getting out of a car. I gave a statement to the police and the couple, then the police told the council, (it was a council flat I was staying in at the time).

Due to these two events (where I required hospital treatment, and I was surrounded by the wicked and cowardly attackers who had weapons, who knows the severity of the attack if I hadn't used self-defence in order to run). The council gave me 'silver priority' and I had to stay in a homeless B&B, once I was out of hospital.

I managed to get myself into a homeless hostel, the 'if your not one of them' scenario was still applicable there like in the B&B but at least there were laundry facilities and breakfast and dinner in the hostel, although you weren't allowed to eat meals in your room. I had to bid for a new flat while I was in the B&B and hostel and I had to bid within all areas of the council, even areas with bad reputations, I don't believe that is appropriate for an aspie!
I think it would’ve made me Commit suicide, my anxiety is severe ,being in a hostel and attacked would drive me to suicide, I had a time where the government wanted to take the house away but I was so devastated by my mother dying that it didn’t frighten me as much ,What I really cared about was worrying my mother she couldn’t speak so I wasn’t going to tell her, I’m still living in the house but anxiety doesn’t make you feel secure.
Sounds like you've had a rough time of it lately to say the least! I too went into the Refuge system a while back & found it horrifying. Was so hard to deal with & I did not fit in at all either. The council 'bidding' system is totally flawed. Hope you get somewhere you're happy with & feel secure in. That's very important to me. Good luck.
Watching an American movie there is someone who carries pepper spray for self defence. From online searching I see pepper spray can be legally purchased and carried in all 50 states in the US. And pepper spray is almost completely banned in the UK. It's ownership, carry and use by common citizens is banned under Section 5(1)(b) of the Firearms Act
1968. In the UK
pepper spray / CS Gas is considered a firearm and carries the same legal penalties as carrying a gun does. I don't know about the rights and wrongs of pepper spray but if anyone doesn't do martial arts I recommend
if they can, they enrol on a self defence course, just in case (I hope it never happens) they find themselves being unprovoked attacked.
What you see on prison documentaries can be what it's like in homeless hostels and B&B's. In my opinion not an appropriate place for an aspie! If your not 'one of them', sometimes it's dangerous for you! And people who were in the homeless hostel/B&B can meet you on the street after you have left.

A few years ago a gang unprovoked attacked me and two days later they tried to do it again and the second time it was witnessed by a couple getting out of a car. I gave a statement to the police and the couple, then the police told the council, (it was a council flat I was staying in at the time).

Due to these two events (where I required hospital treatment, and I was surrounded by the wicked and cowardly attackers who had weapons, who knows the severity of the attack if I hadn't used self-defence in order to run). The council gave me 'silver priority' and I had to stay in a homeless B&B, once I was out of hospital.

I managed to get myself into a homeless hostel, the 'if your not one of them' scenario was still applicable there like in the B&B but at least there were laundry facilities and breakfast and dinner in the hostel, although you weren't allowed to eat meals in your room. I had to bid for a new flat while I was in the B&B and hostel and I had to bid within all areas of the council, even areas with bad reputations, I don't believe that is appropriate for an aspie!
Homeless hostels and B&B's are not an appropriate place for an aspie! we are too sensitive.
Fitting in is important for NT's and some aspies who have not nurtured their ND. People who were in the homeless hostel/B&B can meet you on the street after you have left, if they threaten you, they can meet the cops :)

Sorry you were attacked by a gang. Cowards attack in groups.
Good you used self-defence in order to run. Homeless B&B, once I was out of hospital-not ideal, typical UK 21st century.

I hope you are now in a flat, if you are unhappy with the area I hope you can do an exchange to somewhere you are happy with.
Homeless hostels and B&B's are not an appropriate place for an aspie! we are too sensitive.
Fitting in is important for NT's and some aspies who have not nurtured their ND. People who were in the
homeless hostel/B&B can meet you
on the street after you have left, if they threaten you, they can meet the cops :)
Sorry you were attacked by a gang. Cowards attack in groups.
Good you used self-defence in order to run. Homeless B&B, once I was
out of hospital-not ideal, typical UK
21st century.
I hope you are now in a flat, if you are unhappy with the area I hope y
ou can do an exchange to somewhere you are happy with.

Thankyou! And I agree with you!
Violence in my opinion isn't just physical, it could be verbal abuse or bullying or trying to provoke someone who is doing nothing wrong and minding their own business and doing this to an autistic person is disability hate crime

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