Matthew Behnke
Well-Known Member
I feel constantly my autism, OCD, depression, ADHD made it worse but my parents too, they know I have a dream to learn language and go to target country of it but downplay my relationship as if the girl I liked didn't really get me to where I was, but I kind of feel that way, because I feel as if I really wanted to be in that other world the girl was in and hated mine, but my parents feel my dreams as an autistic person don't matter, I feel like I am just going to rot in my own anxiety and slowly die, don't they realize there is only one life and they will die too? I love my world but what is going to happen when all the people in my world die and I won't be able to experience other worlds? It is stuff like this that makes me want to just be depressed, I feel one day everything is fine but the other day I feel really bad because I figure something out that makes me want to just not live anymore, sure, I am happy with my family? But what good does it do staying with them in their own world forever? Why is the boundaries of what people we can meet on this earth restricted by our parents and people who are not autistic that society expects? My brother's okay but he has better things to do in life than I do.
In reality, humans are just like animals, being confused and not knowing what other species are like, providing for their families, being concerned for their loved ones, and living on the same planet, the only thing is that the humans are on top of the food chain and don't care for those other species that live on the Earth or think they are just like us, to us, they are just second-class citizens stealing our place.
Sure, my parents are happy with the girl I like and the fact I am using the language I learn to communicate with them via Russian, but do they really think happiness comes in their world only? I shouldn't stay in their world but society expects realistic dreams from humans themselves, treats them just like how we treat animals, tells us to stay out of those other spaces they don't reside in, but wants us to stay in their bubble, if we try to get out, it only causes us stress mentally but if we succeed, we beat their expectations and become happy.
You shouldn't listen to those other humans because in reality, everyone at one point on this earth was happy when we only respected nature around us and used our spirits to go to other continents we didn't think were possible, that is what native people did during the Ice Age did and succeeded in, they thought it was possible back then because spiritually they believed but no one does now because we are trapped in our own worlds and refuse to explore others.
In reality, humans are just like animals, being confused and not knowing what other species are like, providing for their families, being concerned for their loved ones, and living on the same planet, the only thing is that the humans are on top of the food chain and don't care for those other species that live on the Earth or think they are just like us, to us, they are just second-class citizens stealing our place.
Sure, my parents are happy with the girl I like and the fact I am using the language I learn to communicate with them via Russian, but do they really think happiness comes in their world only? I shouldn't stay in their world but society expects realistic dreams from humans themselves, treats them just like how we treat animals, tells us to stay out of those other spaces they don't reside in, but wants us to stay in their bubble, if we try to get out, it only causes us stress mentally but if we succeed, we beat their expectations and become happy.
You shouldn't listen to those other humans because in reality, everyone at one point on this earth was happy when we only respected nature around us and used our spirits to go to other continents we didn't think were possible, that is what native people did during the Ice Age did and succeeded in, they thought it was possible back then because spiritually they believed but no one does now because we are trapped in our own worlds and refuse to explore others.