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My posts are still "trending"

By "trending" do you mean your threads are still receiving replies?

Or what?

Yeah, like why are my posts still getting replies?

What did you expect?

Threads often receive replies for days, weeks, months.

Maybe not steadily or continuously.
Some threads go without any new response for a year or
more and then gets another reply because somebody
was interested in the topic.
Nobody accuses you of anything. Maybe don't be so hard on yourself? :) We can definitely ruminate on the most mundane things sometimes.
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I have been wandering around the site and have replied to some old threads that caught my attention. It seemed polite.
I think you might be misunderstanding how a forum works. This isn't a social media site like Facebook or Twitter where a user posts something to their own page and then others might comment on it or give it a like for a few hours before the algorithm sweeps it away.

On an oldschool forum like this, your post goes to whatever section you post it in, and is the start of a conversation that many people participate in. The things people type below your posts aren't comments on your post, but part of a conversation that equally includes everyone who participates.

Also, a forum is chronological and there is no algorithm deciding what's worthwhile or what should be popular; threads at the top of the list are simply the ones that were posted in most recently, and a thread will continue to be bumped to the top until people are done talking about the subject.

Your posts aren't "trending", they started conversations that people want to have.

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