New Member
Hi all! So I've realized smoking is me stimming. I am 40 and have been smoking more than a pack a day for over 20yrs. I have never been able to quit, I do not want to- I want to want to. It is so ingrained and calms me. Im having a panic attack- sit down and chain smoke, I feel better. Ate to much- I chain smoke and feel better. It takes me hours to fall asleep, I'll nearly be asleep when I think about smoking one more before bed and cannot shush that thought until I do- several times. It's not even for just the nicotine, I'll continue to smoke even if it hurts my throat and I can actually feel like there's too much nicotine in me. I tried chantix, it really messed with my head but made the throat hit feel like I was swallowing glass so that's made me stop. But I started again when I couldn't stop eating gummy bears, fidgeting and going crazy. Gums make me super nauseous and the fidgeting, irritability returns. Same goes for patches. Vaping hurts my throat really bad, but helps with all the other aspects. I always go back to cigarettes, they are my comfort zone. They give me and excuse to go be by myself, give me something to focus on. I need to hand to mouth motion. I'm rambling now sorry. Anyone have any other stimming solution so I can kick this one? Thanx