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My therapist gave me some perspective regarding my mother.


The point to life is there is no point.
V.I.P Member
My mother's ablism and dismissal of my words is a product of her time, essentially. She grew up when most of what people knew about autism were the most extreme cases.

And her awful diet advice is also a product of her time - she basically is telling me what bad advice was marketed to women decades ago.

She may be narcissistic, but she probably believes she is the opposite of malicious.

I still am going to limit contact with her. And give her information starvation. But having a bit more perspective helps to ease the pervasive anger and frustration and makes letting things go so much easier.
My mother's ablism and dismissal of my words is a product of her time, essentially. She grew up when most of what people knew about autism were the most extreme cases.

And her awful diet advice is also a product of her time - she basically is telling me what bad advice was marketed to women decades ago.

She may be narcissistic, but she probably believes she is the opposite of malicious.

I still am going to limit contact with her. And give her information starvation. But having a bit more perspective helps to ease the pervasive anger and frustration and makes letting things go so much easier.

Sounds like a step in the right direction. To withdraw incrementally...and see how it goes.
That’s wonderful to have developed a better understanding of your mother. That doesn’t have to excuse her behavior, but I think the more you can separate your own worth from her behavior the better. I’m glad this perspective was helpful to you.
@Metalhead - You're a good person. With this new insight into your mother, please try to take anything she says with a healthy pinch of salt, don't let her get under your skin, and consider the source of her comments and criticisms. She probably is about the same age as I am but I try to keep up with modern developments and constantly seek to learn.
Don't apologize for her behavior, she doesn't get the mommy award from me. But my mom has changed her feelings about me, she seems less combative. But l follow the little contact rule, it's just easier!
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