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Well-Known Member
I'm nearsighted and get up to the monitor a lot. I don't know whether I need to increase the zoom or if it's just habit. I wear glasses and see fine with them. I've put my browser to 110% zoom and it looks better (I tried 200% and it gave me a headache). I was diagnosed with nearsightedness in middle school I think.
I was cross eyed as a toddler. I was severely nearsighted by the time I was in first grade and got my first glasses. I wore bifocals in high school and trifocals as I got older. I am also mixed dominant, right handed and left eyed, even though my left eye before the surgery required a stronger correction. I have extremely poor depth perception. My eyes have always "fought" with each other and I seldom see optical illusions. I am now post bilateral cataract removal with lens implants and I need trifocals in order to see comfortably in all situations. Actually, because of the correction of the implanted lenses I don't require distance correction so the top of my trifocals is almost window glass. With the proper glasses I don't need to sit with my nose to the monitor. However, because of all the eye problems I have, I am intensely uncomfortable without a perfect correction and totally clean glasses. When I jumped out of bed from a deep sleep due to a fire detector alarm, I grabbed my glasses on my way out of the room. My son was still living with me and was able to take care of himself and I recall shouting, "Andy, Andy!!! Get out of here--I'll get the dog." It is now a family joke that I do love my son more than the dog because I didn't ask him to do anything but escape.
I keep my monitor zoomed up more than most people I know. I don't know how people can work on these phones and tablets. Right now I'm on a 19" CRT at 1024 x 768 and I won't go any smaller than that. I also run my mouse speed very slow, because I don't have much finesse in my wrist.

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