My boyfriend and I have that same conversation ALL THE TIME!!! I wish I could tell you how to communicate better because then it would mean that *I* could communicate better...
But actually my autism diagnosis has done wonders for our communication. Not only is he extremely focused on making things work between us, but now I can finally take a step back and see how I am not being clear to him. See, I'm really stupidly smart. I don't say it to brag because my intelligence comes with a heavy cost. But I always used to think that my problems with communication were because my brain spun at a higher level than everybody else so I'd try to break it down even further, be more precise, more concrete, more simplistic...and that only made it worse. Now that I realize that I am on the spectrum and I can read about how NT's interpret the way we talk, I can be like, "Ohhhh....so that's what you thought I was saying?" and "Wait, wait! I think what just happened is I did that literal thing just now, right? I bet you meant something different?"
And he bites! It's amazing! Instead of just getting deeper and deeper into a screaming match he'll just be like, "Yes! So now you see I was trying to help you?" And I can feel all loved and warm and squishy inside. I'm extremely fortunate to have someone so dedicated to being with me no matter the cost that when I told him about my condition (brain-type?) he was like, "Ok, so what do I do? How do we make it work?" Just like that!
So...communicate better. Maybe the takeaways are:
1. Make sure you both know that autism is your thing and it's not a choice and it's not going away
2. Make sure you and your partner are both focused on the goal: understanding each other and validating each other
3. Study up on what Aspies look/sound like to NT's and what NT's do that Aspies have issues with. It'll be your Rosetta Stone for Difficult Conversations. And while you're at it
4. Personalize the Aspies/NT Rosetta Stone to your own personal ticks.
Oh! Oh! Oh! And when I was in middle school and I had to take conflict resolution class I learned this cool trick: Repeat back what your partner said to you and ask, "Did I understand correctly?" and have your partner do the same. The double translation is great for diagnosing miscommunications!
Anyways, those are the things that I do. Not easy, but we're both improving with time.