Helen Ritchie
New Member
Hi, DS12 is v high-functioning aspie. We're still getting our heads around his behaviour being aspergers-related. While we were aware his behaviour wasn't the norm from very young, we thought this might be because he was extremely bright and emotionally out of sync. However, starting in year 7 at secondary has thrown up more clarity about his patterns and we're now realising that the oppositional defiance he's shown all his life is typical of someone with Aspergers, as is his hypersensitivity, his inability to organise himself, his habit of misjudging social cues and only applying himself to things which interest him, etc etc!
Although he's done very well academically in school and has had no special support over the years, as a family we have had an endlessly challenging and emotional time. Almost all of our family tension arises from DS refusing to do simple things (shower, eat meals, do homework, tidy up etc) and his habit of speaking to us in a breathtakingly disrespectful and offensive way (as if he is the adult and we are imbeciles). In between times he can be a delight: kind, sensitive, funny, emotionally intelligent, but when he's in the throes of the 'fight/flight' irrational response, every step of the way can feel like an enormous battle.
We're much more aware now that this defiant position is his position of safety and power, but I personally have almost reach the limit of my emotional endurance. I suffer from severe anxiety and depression and this has been exacerbated by the regular tension in my communication with DS. This evening, after 3 hours of him pushing back, being rude, refusing to do his work, then demanding and demanding my time to help him when he DID finally get around to doing it, I finally lost the plot (triggered by a tantrum about him having to cut his nails) and found myself suddenly screaming and crying uncontrollably. I felt as if I might be having a mental breakdown. It's been two particularly intense years of this behaviour escalating and I'm finding it impossible to manage and utterly unbearable. (I should add that I am probably on the spectrum myself, am fanatically conscientious about work and emotionally hyper-sensitive as well). I'm extremely upset and ashamed of myself this evening, heartbroken that my children have seen me lose control like that, but likewise it feels like it's been brewing for the past ten years and perhaps it's amazing that I didn't lose it some time ago!
So anyway, DS is at a highly selective school where high grades are expected. His work in class is good but his homework is definitely lagging way behind. Our current battle is him being consistently lazy about his homework. He seems to view revision as voluntary (i.e. he doesn't do it and is doing badly in tests) and is doing the bare minimum with other written work. He also seems incapable of initiating doing the work on his own, but then gets into a rage when we ask him to do it. He keeps saying that he would like to be left with the full responsibility to do his homework, but I know for a fact this would mean it wouldn't get done. I know, ideally, I would let him feel the consequences of not doing it, but then I'm scared that his grades would suffer so much that his place at the school might be in jeopardy. It's an exceptional school and there's so much potential for him there. It would be a tragedy for him to lose his place because he can't get his act together in time. I know he will eventually get the hang of it all (he always does) but it may be too late by then. The local comprehensive is good but I know he would get away with being even lazier there and is also extremely susceptible to bullying due to his hypersensitivity. I'm very fearful of that scenario (having been severely bullied myself at school).
I'm writing this because I suppose I needed a catharsis in a place where people will hopefully be empathetic and less judgemental than elsewhere. There's no-one I can talk to. My husband is brilliantly supportive (when not raging with frustration about the situation himself) but he doesn't understand that I now feel mentally ill with the constant battle and don't know where to turn. Words of wisdom and examples of how you dealt with similar challenges would be most welcome. Thank you.
Although he's done very well academically in school and has had no special support over the years, as a family we have had an endlessly challenging and emotional time. Almost all of our family tension arises from DS refusing to do simple things (shower, eat meals, do homework, tidy up etc) and his habit of speaking to us in a breathtakingly disrespectful and offensive way (as if he is the adult and we are imbeciles). In between times he can be a delight: kind, sensitive, funny, emotionally intelligent, but when he's in the throes of the 'fight/flight' irrational response, every step of the way can feel like an enormous battle.
We're much more aware now that this defiant position is his position of safety and power, but I personally have almost reach the limit of my emotional endurance. I suffer from severe anxiety and depression and this has been exacerbated by the regular tension in my communication with DS. This evening, after 3 hours of him pushing back, being rude, refusing to do his work, then demanding and demanding my time to help him when he DID finally get around to doing it, I finally lost the plot (triggered by a tantrum about him having to cut his nails) and found myself suddenly screaming and crying uncontrollably. I felt as if I might be having a mental breakdown. It's been two particularly intense years of this behaviour escalating and I'm finding it impossible to manage and utterly unbearable. (I should add that I am probably on the spectrum myself, am fanatically conscientious about work and emotionally hyper-sensitive as well). I'm extremely upset and ashamed of myself this evening, heartbroken that my children have seen me lose control like that, but likewise it feels like it's been brewing for the past ten years and perhaps it's amazing that I didn't lose it some time ago!
So anyway, DS is at a highly selective school where high grades are expected. His work in class is good but his homework is definitely lagging way behind. Our current battle is him being consistently lazy about his homework. He seems to view revision as voluntary (i.e. he doesn't do it and is doing badly in tests) and is doing the bare minimum with other written work. He also seems incapable of initiating doing the work on his own, but then gets into a rage when we ask him to do it. He keeps saying that he would like to be left with the full responsibility to do his homework, but I know for a fact this would mean it wouldn't get done. I know, ideally, I would let him feel the consequences of not doing it, but then I'm scared that his grades would suffer so much that his place at the school might be in jeopardy. It's an exceptional school and there's so much potential for him there. It would be a tragedy for him to lose his place because he can't get his act together in time. I know he will eventually get the hang of it all (he always does) but it may be too late by then. The local comprehensive is good but I know he would get away with being even lazier there and is also extremely susceptible to bullying due to his hypersensitivity. I'm very fearful of that scenario (having been severely bullied myself at school).
I'm writing this because I suppose I needed a catharsis in a place where people will hopefully be empathetic and less judgemental than elsewhere. There's no-one I can talk to. My husband is brilliantly supportive (when not raging with frustration about the situation himself) but he doesn't understand that I now feel mentally ill with the constant battle and don't know where to turn. Words of wisdom and examples of how you dealt with similar challenges would be most welcome. Thank you.