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need to know if it sounds like i have aspergers?


I'm not asking for a diagnosis, just asking if it sounds like I could have it..
I am very socially anxious and am dumb in social situations. When i'm around people or in a social situation, it's seems as if my brain won't work correctly. I'll have no common sense, like things that are easy for other people to forget out will be difficult for me to figure out..but only when i'm around people. it's like my brain gets fogged up when having to be around people. I always want to be alone and am comfortable that way. When people have conversations with ease, I always wonder how people could be that way. I'm jealous of them. I feel awkward and uncomfortable in my own body. When i'm alone, I feel okay, but when i'm around people or am out of the house, that all changes. I feel like i'm under a spotlight all of the time as soon as I leave my house, or even when i'm in my house. I feel like i'm being watched through windows. When I leave the house, that feeling gets 10 times worse. I constantly have to look around me because I feel like i'm being stared at/scrutinized constantly. I don't know what's wrong with me.
I also eat lunch in the guidance office instead of the cafeteria and people think i'm really weird for that... but i feel comfortable that way
You're describing a sort of social anxiety. This could be a symptom of aspergers, but it's not enough to say for sure. There are other characteristics that tend to accompany Aspergers as well, such as fixation on a "special interest". It's normal for people to have special interests or hobbies, but Aspies tend to be extra obsessed with things they are interested in. Is this true for you?
I suspect most of us can certainly relate to your level of social anxiety. I know I can. However social anxiety alone doesn't necessary translate into Autism Spectrum Disorder.

There's a lot to read here on other traits and behaviors which are equally common to us. It's often the sum total of them that likely defines one having ASD as opposed to something else.

It's not a simple thing to determine. LOL looks like Ste11aeres beat me to this response! GMTA.
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It is possible, though perhaps more research could be beneficial for you. If you're looking for answers, I recommend becoming better aquatinted with AS, and learning as much as you can. This forum is great for that, as you can easily learn about the different traits, and behaviours, simply by joining in on discussions, and comparing yourself to others here.

You can also turn to books, and other resources. If, and when, you're ready for a specialist to diagnose you, just be sure to find a specialist you are confident in, as some are more experienced in dealing with AS than others. There are also various factors to consider, depending on who you are (for example, specialists can at times struggle to diagnose women on the spectrum, or milder cases). If you're unsure, then ask your specialist if they are specialised in the particular area that concerns you. It's beneficial to ask first, as appointments are usually expensive. This helps to lessen the need for a second opinion.

Resources: Resources | AspiesCentral.com

Dr. Tony Attwood (this man is brilliant, and is a good starting point): Home
Here's a more concise example of those traits and behaviors we speak of. But keep in mind it's only a partial list, and these may or may not apply to people and to varying amplitudes. We might all sound similar, but when you get into the details you discover how different we can be from one another.

  • Problems with social skills: Children with Asperger's syndrome generally have difficulty interacting with others and often are awkward in social situations. They generally do not make friends easily. They have difficulty initiating and maintaining conversation.
  • Eccentric or repetitive behaviors: Children with this condition may develop odd, repetitive movements, such as hand wringing or finger twisting.
  • Unusual preoccupations or rituals: A child with Asperger's syndrome may develop rituals that he or she refuses to alter, such as getting dressed in a specific order.
  • Communication difficulties: People with Asperger's syndrome may not make eye contact when speaking with someone. They may have trouble using facial expressions and gestures, and understanding body language. They also tend to have problems understanding language in context and are very literal in their use of language.
  • Limited range of interests: A child with Asperger's syndrome may develop an intense, almost obsessive, interest in a few areas, such as sports schedules, weather, or maps.
  • Coordination problems: The movements of children with Asperger's syndrome may seem clumsy or awkward.
  • Skilled or talented: Many children with Asperger's syndrome are exceptionally talented or skilled in a particular area, such as music or math.
I have problems with using body language and everything that i do seems clumsy and awkward. I'm interested in a few things and honestly not really interested in talking to people unless it's about something that I like or enjoy or am invested in.I don't know if this is normal or not
I'm not asking for a diagnosis, just asking if it sounds like I could have it..
I am very socially anxious and am dumb in social situations. When i'm around people or in a social situation, it's seems as if my brain won't work correctly. I'll have no common sense, like things that are easy for other people to forget out will be difficult for me to figure out..but only when i'm around people. it's like my brain gets fogged up when having to be around people. I always want to be alone and am comfortable that way. When people have conversations with ease, I always wonder how people could be that way. I'm jealous of them. I feel awkward and uncomfortable in my own body. When i'm alone, I feel okay, but when i'm around people or am out of the house, that all changes. I feel like i'm under a spotlight all of the time as soon as I leave my house, or even when i'm in my house. I feel like i'm being watched through windows. When I leave the house, that feeling gets 10 times worse. I constantly have to look around me because I feel like i'm being stared at/scrutinized constantly. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Omg this all relates to me. Wow! I suspect I have 'Aspergers.' You may have, not sure. I'm also fine alone and always feel watched too. I was told I had Semantic Pragmatic Disorder (also same as high functioning autism) when I was 10.
I have problems with using body language and everything that i do seems clumsy and awkward. I'm interested in a few things and honestly not really interested in talking to people unless it's about something that I like or enjoy or am invested in.I don't know if this is normal or not

That's a start. Social anxiety. An inability to "read" people non-verbally. Physical clumsiness.

OK, you are "different". That doesn't mean you are deficient. "Normal" is overrated. ;)
Do you have a highly defined sense of interests? Any obsessions?
Sensory issues? Sensitive to sounds, touch, and sight?
Any comorbid conditions like OCD or depression? (I have both.)

Have you taken any tests you can find online which might relate to the possibility of having ASD?

Autism Quotient (AQ) Test: The AQ-test
RAADS Test: The Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R)
Facial Recognition Test: http://www2.psy.uq.edu.au/~stone/Faux_Pas_Recog_Test.pdf
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I took the first two tests. got a normal score on the first one and i scored a little above average on the second. I feel like I just have very severe social anxiety that fogs up my mind and my ways of thinking. I have been on anti-anxiety meds but none have of them have really gotten rid of the feeling of discomfort in my own skin, the feelings of being watched, and the discomfort i feel when around people
I have nothing new to add to Aspie list checking, but social anxiety was what started me to researching and cross-comparing. You could simply have some severe social anxiety (not that it makes life any simpler). If medication is not working, some of the non-med methods may be worth doing (exercise, meditation, working with animals, etc.) or different therapy, especially to see what the source of it all is to find a better treatment. Is your anxiety just part of some chemical imbalance, do you have self esteem issues, were you excessively bullied (and therefore self-esteem again), any other bad memories that need to be worked through, unresolved issues, some combination of the above...? Could something as basic as a new shirt or way of fixing your hair make you more comfortable? Only going out with a trusted individual to distract you or provide a sense of security? Perhaps you're hanging out with the wrong crowd? I was much more relaxed when I found a few D&D groups. I don't know what you have and haven't done, but mixing and matching and experimenting could be beneficial.

There are methods of making yourself more normal, supposedly, although the "just get up there and present" usually made me worse for the wear. "Familiarity breeds contempt" in my case. One guy tells how his college professor made him do stand-up comedy ever night to overcome his stagefright, which can be an easier method because it's easier to control the situation than just naming off facts.

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