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Neurological/ASD symptoms?


Well-Known Member
For years I’ve been pretty familiar with myself as far as having ASD goes such as social communication, reading one’s facial cues/emotions, and having emotional breakdowns like 1-2 times a month.
Lately though over the past few months or since October of last year I’ve either noticed some new or worsening symptoms.

My depression has gotten worse in the fact I have them more frequently than 2 times a month so I’m currently on antidepressants such as bupropion and buspar and they help wonders. I’ve also noticed within the last 3-4 months I’ve been more forgetful to the point I went to the store this morning loaded up my groceries in my car and I totally forgot what to do seconds later which ultimately was unlocking my car, duh. I would stand in a portion of my house like kitchen and bathroom then ask myself “what am I suppose to do again?” Then I just blow it off and do something else.

My speech is also getting kind of slurred within the past month or so to the point I’m stuttering more often than not. I went to the auto parts store to get a part on my brakes I needed to replace myself and as soon as I was about to speak I mixed up my words in the incorrect order to where I had to start over take a breath and remember what I needed to say while also stuttering a little bit. I also did this a couple times when talking with a friend but friend didn’t mind at all and was really patient. I am having trouble pronouncing my “R” syllables just like how I did back in elementary school and that’s been more apparent since April of what I can recall.

I am practically concerned by some of the neurological aspects that re going on. I’ve also been having vision problems lately where objects seem blurry and I can’t make out bright colors as much as dark colors. I am having to go to a eye doctor anyway due to early onset of glaucoma…I’m in my mid to late 20s…
Along with that I’m having headaches which have been gradually occurring for a week now; maybe it’s a sinus infection I don’t know.

Written communication is getting a bit difficult within the last several weeks as like just with talking I don’t know what to actually write as I am searching for the correct words. I notice I am making more spelling/grammatical mistakes and more often than usual.

Is most of this pretty much normal for ND individuals? I feel that is a silly question to ask but I feel I’ve been regressing on some of my social and technical skills for no apparent reason.
That sounds concerning considering that you have not always presented with these symptoms. I was actually concerned about dementia until you said that you were in your 20s. That makes this concern far less likely but does not entirely rule it out. Did you have any head injuries or did you go though something extremely stressful along the time that the extra symptoms started? I believe that tbi or extreme stress could include these symptoms.
That sounds concerning considering that you have not always presented with these symptoms. I was actually concerned about dementia until you said that you were in your 20s. That makes this concern far less likely but does not entirely rule it out. Did you have any head injuries or did you go though something extremely stressful along the time that the extra symptoms started? I believe that tbi or extreme stress could include these symptoms.
As far as I know I did never sustained any brain injury not even as a child, most injury I’ve done was break my arm back in 4th grade but I was acting kind of stupid then lol
With stress yeah I get stressed sometimes but I don’t remember these new or recurring symptoms each time I’ve gotten stressed.
I remember having a job interview back in December and I was confident and not nervous at all but while I was speaking about my experience the employer literally told me “I can hear you but I don’t understand what you are interpreting”
That was kind of embarrassing on my part knowing I slurred my speech or forget my thoughts and repeat my words at times. It’s never really stopped ever since but if I speak at a much slower than normal pace I don’t really have those problems. As an educator who has several years of experience I am a bit worried about these symptoms that have occurred over the past several months.
I also within this have trouble holding things but doesn’t happen often. I was trying to make breakfast yesterday where my hand spasmed and of course I dropped the egg on the floor 🙄
I’ve also broke plates and mugs in the past due to the way I’m holding the items I guess.
You might want to set up a doctor's appointment to find out what is going on because these symptoms are sounding concerning.
Yeah , if all this stuff is new/worse, doctor visit is a must. Think how annoyed you would be with yourself if there was something that could be done now to head off a stroke or something, and you didn't do it.
I would make an appointment with your psychiatrist(or whoever is prescribing your psych meds) and an appointment with your primary care. Don’t let them get away with “Your too young for neurological symptoms “, insist on seeing a neurologist.

Occasionally people can have neurological things start when they are young, but it is always a tragedy when they are not taken seriously and they are that one in a million that falls outside the typical. There are so many treatments for things these days, but knowing what the problem is and addressing it early is the difference in a lot of cases.

If you have a trusted friend or family member, I’d take them with you if you are too shy to advocate for yourself or you might forget things.
My narcolepsy manifested itself when I was 14. Never too young for brain malfunctions.
Yeah if I don’t feel any better by tomorrow I am absolutely seeing my doctor.
I’m actually surprised but not really at the same time I’m not seeing a neurologist. I’ve had very mild communication problems and forgetfulness back in college when I had been teaching as a graduate lab instructor from 2021-2023 but this past year at the moment has been a bit more progressive. Anxiety and depression has been more prevalent the last year and thus I’m on 2 types of medications.
I say it's your meds, they do cause a lot of problems if they aren't right for you. The best psychiatrists actually have to see you a couple of times until the right pills without the wrong severe effects are in place. My neighbor has been unable to get anything that really works without giving her a horrible side effect. And you should plan to eventually get off of antidepressants once your brain is tweaked to the right chemical balance, l stopped them once l realized l was better. My daughter also stopped taking them once she left her severe depression issue.
As others have suggested, I would definitely see your doctor, and ask for a referral to a neurologist. It can take a very long time to get into a neurologist, unless your doctor contacts them, directly. At least this is true where I live/in California.

I've been having the same symptoms you have described, in addition to a couple others, and saw a neurologist a month, ago. I had an MRI and specific blood tests, including a full Lyme disease panel. It turns out I have what is referred to as neuro Lyme disease, of which I am currently being treated. My neurologist told me if I did not begin treatment, it could result in dementia.

This is not to scare you, but to let you know it could be something on the serious side, of which can be treated.

All the best.
Another possible consideration is long COVID which has severely affected me and several family members. The symptoms can be neurological, as well as cause blood pressure issues, weakness, fainting… you name it.
The other thing with all of this going on is that I see an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) due to suspect glaucoma in my eyes. I’ve been seeing the eye doctor since 2021 and I had to have repeated tests to look at the progression of it. Now I’m unsure if it’s glaucoma since the doctor never officially put it in my chart but called it “suspect glaucoma”
Pretty interesting some of my abnormal social and physical problems came along a bit later.
I say it's your meds, they do cause a lot of problems if they aren't right for you. The best psychiatrists actually have to see you a couple of times until the right pills without the wrong severe effects are in place. My neighbor has been unable to get anything that really works without giving her a horrible side effect. And you should plan to eventually get off of antidepressants once your brain is tweaked to the right chemical balance, l stopped them once l realized l was better. My daughter also stopped taking them once she left her severe depression issue.
It could be my medication but I’m not so sure now as I just lost more than some vision in my right eye so I will be going to my eye doctor first thing in the morning.
I had numbness in my right arm as well where I had trouble picking up a soda can or cutting food with a knife.

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