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*NEW* ASD Community/Society


Active Member
Note: This is NOT my idea, I read about it on the forum.

This thread is regarding a ASD Society.

Please give all the ideas,concepts,opinions,etc below. Everything you can please write below. Lets get discussing...
I'll just step in before anyone contributes.

Despite the idea of having an ASD society, I just want to mention that bashing non-AS groups won't be tolerated and thus I would expect people to be concise in what they want out of this.
Note: This is NOT my idea, I read about it on the forum.

This thread is regarding a ASD Society.

Please give all the ideas,concepts,opinions,etc below. Everything you can please write below. Lets get discussing...
Maybe you could give us something to get started, Idk.
Because a threat regarding an ASD Society seems kind of vague to me.
Just saying.
Well Sir, That sounds like a great idea.

While it may sound like there's no way it could be done.
There is a way it could be done.

And also, the medical people maybe are moving towards this don't you think?, its just in medical prisons.

Also, would it need to be portable?. If its a place that is

A second society maybe?:
- All of the people who join it, would get together, plan, etc, have mostly the same mindset maybe. And most of all, there's NO leader. There's NO numbers.
- Own officers,

And this type of idea, sounds quite good.

The main thing maybe, anyway is; that everyone is in together, everyone pretty much has all the same power. There's no leaders that some how are not really in it for US THE PEOPLE, WHO WANT TO join it, but for them selves, so that's what you would also want to do, To not let people who only want it for them selves and not want everyone to come together and enjoy it.

- Pretty much own government, and following Universal Law (so clearly no stealing,killing,etc) of course. all the basic laws. but then we check regarding stupid laws such as LSD for example. the law would be for some laws changed, e.g: LSD = Legal.

Its about creating a second society. REALLY GUYS, If people are TRULY MOTIVATED TO THE HEART AND ARE OPEN TO IT, THEN LETS ROCK !!!..
Think back to history, then think of how it would be done. Also read more info about what amazing people have written and said regarding how people work together and everything.

And I'm not talking about people just becoming really advanced in outer space and flying (THAT IS NOT THE POINT), the point is we as whole, everyone or pretty much all the good, everyone on this beautiful planet earth are equal, no numbers and no leading bullshite.

Really, lets admit the current laws are very ****ed up, and are only making the evil people that control everything become more evil and with more power while

How would it work out maybe?:
- Well first of all, before everything there would need to be some sort of registration for people, and this would be brought to the countries, or that the people send it via post,etc . But that there's some type of HQ maybe, or a couple of HQ'S.

Come together and build, if people with ASD are truly motivated for this, and all together, this may be something beautiful.
sorry I can't believe I wrote that, it seemed like a good idea at the time because I was listing to music and was 'sweating.

but down to serious business;
maybe just the medical people will find treatments,etc for asd.

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