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New Facebook Update- Violation of Privacy. How to turn it off.


You know, that one lady we met that one time.
V.I.P Member
Notice how Facebook has been buggy the past few days?

Facebook just implemented a really stupid update. Anyone can now see when you were last active by looking on anyone's friends list on their wall.

I enjoy my privacy and in turn, try and respect the privacy of others. I figured out how to turn off the active status. You have to go through messenger to do it.


I actually had to do it twice.

I did it this morning on my computer, to take that info off people's walls.

Then just now, my daughter sent a link thru messenger, and I saw even though she had turned off her active status, it still said she was active. And on hers it showed I was active.

So I had to go into my phone and turn off active status in there too. For some weird reason it's seperate.

And the weirder thing was that we had both, several months ago, turned off our active status on messenger, for privacy. Facebook turned it back on today.
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Notice how Facebook has been buggy the past few days?

Facebook just implemented a really stupid update. Anyone can now see when you were last active by looking on anyone's friends list on their wall.

I enjoy my privacy and in turn, try and respect the privacy of others. I figured out how to turn off the active status. You have to go through messenger to do it.

I've had my status as offline for years now.
I've had my status as offline for years now.
It used to only show active status on Messenger, but now it shows on everyone's Facebook walls when their friends were last active. This morning I noticed I could look on someone else's wall and see their friends' active status.
It used to only show active status on Messenger, but now it shows on everyone's Facebook walls when their friends were last active. This morning I noticed I could look on someone else's wall and see their friends' active status.
Thank you for alerting us.
Short of removing yourself from all social media, getting rid of your phone, eliminating your e-mail accounts, cancelling your internet service, cancelling your credit cards, and deleting yourself from the internet, your privacy is non-existent. Nearly everything now-a-days require some form of privacy breech and/or location tracking. We just live in that world now.
I've never had a Facebook account and never will. From what I can tell, I'm not missing anything of benefit or relevance to my life.
I had to get it for school. Was doing an IT course to get my required 12th grade certification. Wish they'd have had sewing machine repair, or sewing, or something along those lines... but all they had besides IT was Services and Tourism 😬

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