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I'm a 31 year old female, and I am not quite sure if I have Asperger's since I was never evaluated for it. It never even crossed my mind until recent months when I started to learn more about it, but I do fit a lot of the signs (but also the opposite of a lot of other signs). It would explain a lot though with things in my life if I ended up being diagnosed. I especially never thought anything of it before because my mom actually works with autistic children and she's never expressed concern about it with me. But then again, she also works with kids that are low functioning and I'm not sure of her knowledge of Aspergers specifically, and I'm kind of embarrassed to even bring it up to her at this point. How do you even go about getting evaluated? Advice on how to bring it up to my mom who might dismiss the idea? Not quite sure If I want to just yet, but I'd like to know what my options are.