Thanks for this great forum!!! I found this place last night and spent a good while reading the threads here.
I'm 31/F, self-diagnosed ASD/Aspergers (to be honest I'm not sure where I 'fit' on the spectrum and I'm not sure it matters). I've strongly suspected that I'm on the spectrum for years (over a decade) but I've gotten the brush off when I've mentioned it to therapists/psychologists (the worst was, point blank "You don't have Asperger's because you have a job." but I've also been told I "have trait's of Asperger's but I'm too high functioning for a diagnosis.") I've been given a mixed bag of diagnoses, from various professionals, but never had the possibility of ASD taken very seriously.
A few years ago I discovered/learned about Sensory Processing Disorder, which as I understand it isn't recognized by the medical community as a "real" disorder yet (though there's no doubt that it actually exists, it just hasn't made it into the DSM). It explained so much about my life that I hadn't been able to name/describe (I have had meltdowns my entire life, it turns out, but didn't know what they were. I kept describing them as anxiety attacks, but I couldn't figure out why my anxiety attacks didn't look the way others' anxiety attacks did. I hadn't made the connection between sensory overstimulation and these 'attacks' - and when that particular piece finally fell into place, it was life changing. I had no idea that other people didn't experience sensory stimuli the same way I do...I thought everyone did and I just couldn't handle it for some reason. I have to wonder if I wouldn't have the ASD diagnosis by now if I had understood this when I sought treatment and had been able to express to the psychologist that yes, these "traits" do cause 'clinically significant distress'.)
Through the years I've taken at least half a dozen online tests and scored 'probable ASD' on all of them, and have been looking back through my life and writing down everything (past and present) that I think points to being on the spectrum (I'm up to 4 pages 11 point font lol.) I have multiple diagnosed family members and my mother is suspected to be on the spectrum but hasn't been evaluated.
At this point in my life I'm unsure if I'm going to go through the process of getting an official eval - by the time I figured out how all this fit together, I'm not sure there's much of value that an official diagnosis can add to my life (for the cost and the effort - as I understand, it's extremely difficult and expensive for adult women.) So here I am. I actually found this forum when looking for further information on self-diagnosed autism (it's currently a contentious issue on Reddit) and found this to be a welcoming and accepting place.
So that's why I'm here. A little about me, I'm from Eastern PA, employed full time in manufacturing. My hobbies include fluorescent minerals, radios (antique/tube and modern) and more recently Software Defined Radio (SDR - hence my username) and I have a fascination with electricity and build Tesla coils (and collect and restore antique electrical equipment. Translation: I've actually lost count of how many Tesla coils I actually possess LOL) I plan on getting my Amateur Radio license, but haven't gotten around to it yet, but I spend a good amount of time listening to shortwave. I grew up in the 90s and love '90s kid' memes (or any memes, really - I spend way too much time on Facebook).
Nice to meet you all! *waves*
I'm 31/F, self-diagnosed ASD/Aspergers (to be honest I'm not sure where I 'fit' on the spectrum and I'm not sure it matters). I've strongly suspected that I'm on the spectrum for years (over a decade) but I've gotten the brush off when I've mentioned it to therapists/psychologists (the worst was, point blank "You don't have Asperger's because you have a job." but I've also been told I "have trait's of Asperger's but I'm too high functioning for a diagnosis.") I've been given a mixed bag of diagnoses, from various professionals, but never had the possibility of ASD taken very seriously.
A few years ago I discovered/learned about Sensory Processing Disorder, which as I understand it isn't recognized by the medical community as a "real" disorder yet (though there's no doubt that it actually exists, it just hasn't made it into the DSM). It explained so much about my life that I hadn't been able to name/describe (I have had meltdowns my entire life, it turns out, but didn't know what they were. I kept describing them as anxiety attacks, but I couldn't figure out why my anxiety attacks didn't look the way others' anxiety attacks did. I hadn't made the connection between sensory overstimulation and these 'attacks' - and when that particular piece finally fell into place, it was life changing. I had no idea that other people didn't experience sensory stimuli the same way I do...I thought everyone did and I just couldn't handle it for some reason. I have to wonder if I wouldn't have the ASD diagnosis by now if I had understood this when I sought treatment and had been able to express to the psychologist that yes, these "traits" do cause 'clinically significant distress'.)
Through the years I've taken at least half a dozen online tests and scored 'probable ASD' on all of them, and have been looking back through my life and writing down everything (past and present) that I think points to being on the spectrum (I'm up to 4 pages 11 point font lol.) I have multiple diagnosed family members and my mother is suspected to be on the spectrum but hasn't been evaluated.
At this point in my life I'm unsure if I'm going to go through the process of getting an official eval - by the time I figured out how all this fit together, I'm not sure there's much of value that an official diagnosis can add to my life (for the cost and the effort - as I understand, it's extremely difficult and expensive for adult women.) So here I am. I actually found this forum when looking for further information on self-diagnosed autism (it's currently a contentious issue on Reddit) and found this to be a welcoming and accepting place.
So that's why I'm here. A little about me, I'm from Eastern PA, employed full time in manufacturing. My hobbies include fluorescent minerals, radios (antique/tube and modern) and more recently Software Defined Radio (SDR - hence my username) and I have a fascination with electricity and build Tesla coils (and collect and restore antique electrical equipment. Translation: I've actually lost count of how many Tesla coils I actually possess LOL) I plan on getting my Amateur Radio license, but haven't gotten around to it yet, but I spend a good amount of time listening to shortwave. I grew up in the 90s and love '90s kid' memes (or any memes, really - I spend way too much time on Facebook).
Nice to meet you all! *waves*