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New Medication and life


Well-Known Member
So for the last few days I’ve been taking this medication that my doctor has prescribed me which is called Bupropin (generic form of Wellbutrin). My other medication hasn’t known as Lexapro hasn’t been doing much for me lately the last few weeks to where I got to the point I’ve been having increased social anxiety/panic attacks and emotional meltdowns. I’m told it will take 1-2 weeks to take total affect but I’m already feeling a huge difference as I am not having an ounce of depression /anxiety at all. Also while I’ve been teaching my 4th grade math/science students, I felt more focused and I wasn’t easily distracted by other minor things in which would normally happen to me (I’ll be doing one thing but then get distracted and forget for a few minutes in what else I’m suppose to be doing). So this leaves me to wonder if I’ve had ADHD this whole time on top of being autistic even though I’ve never been officially diagnosed with ADHD. It feels really good to feel completely happy for a change especially feeling really down about my full time job search (things are really looking up positively now since within a week time span I’ve been referred to 14 jobs and have 3 interviews).

Anyway has anyone ever taken that kind of medication before and if so what was your experience like?
That's great that it's workng for you. I took Wellbutrin for about five years and also found it helpful.
Hey - great news. It's nice to not have stress and anxiety. You will do much better at interviews. I wish they had anxiety interview pills. Lol
I’m glad you got some medicine that works for you. Sometimes, you can build a tolerance to certain medications and they stop working. I’m glad you are feeling better. Meditation has helped me so much with my depression and anxiety. I couldn’t function without meditation. I have accepted that I don’t have to do this on my own and that it’s okay to get some extra help.

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